Page 67 of Loving The Warrior

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It had been exhilarating being on the boat earlier. When Heath and the other men had separated from Harvey, they’d had to scramble to find two suitable vessels. With time against them, energy had surged through Heath, making him forget about his leg. The thrill of the mission had sent everything else out of his mind, just like it used to in the Navy. The wind had whipped through his hair as they had sailed and the familiar sent of the sea air had given Heath boost he’d needed.

Because they hadn’t wanted to alert Graham to their presence, Heath and the others had had to get boats from the other side of the harbor and bring them around. Heath wouldn’t admit it, but part of him had been gunning for a fight. Ready to unleash any lingering frustrations out on his enemies. Now that it was over, Heath was on edge, and he knew the perfect way to relieve some of his and Kane’s tension.

He took his lover’s hand, but Kane barely noticed. He kept rambling on about what the next step was while Heath guided him into the bedroom, closed the door, then pushed Kane against the wall. Heath sealed his lips over Kane’s, stopping the barrage of words pouring from his mouth. Almost instantly, Kane responded, putting his arms around Heath’s waist, clinging to him. Their exchange turned heated quickly, and before they knew it, they were on the bed, naked, each other’s cocks in hand.

Heath sucked on Kane’s tongue as he held his lover’s steely rod in his hand. Their bodies thrashed against one another, as they worked themselves to a fevered frenzy.

“Fuck, I love the way you touch me,” Kane said breathlessly before taking Heath’s mouth in another savage embrace. His free hand raked through Heath’s hair, grabbing a handful to pull Heath even closer.

This was the closest Heath would get to heaven on earth, being with the man he loved. There was no other word for how he felt. Yes, there was desire and passion, but when they were together, Heath knew the connection went deeper. In his heart, Heath knew everything good in his world was right here, in his arms.

He raked a hand up Kane’s back, causing his lover to curse in ecstasy. Hopefully that would leave a mark; a reminder for Kane of what they shared this night. With every stroke of Kane’s tongue, and every brush of his hand, Heath hungered for more. As if reading his mind, Kane brought his hand down to cup the nape of Heath’s neck. His grip was firm, and the slight pressure made Heath’s hips bucked faster. It was like he was being held in place, a slave to Kane’s whim.

“Do you like me holding you like this?” Kane changed the pressure with his hand, so Heath was forced to meet his penetrating stare.

“God, yes.”

“You like it a little rough?” Kane tightened his grip on Heath’s cock.

Stars flashed in front of Heath’s eyes. “I like everything you do.”

“Do you like it when I fuck that sweet ass of yours and when I take your luscious cock in my mouth?”

“Yes.” Heath could barely form a single word. His world had narrowed until he could only hear Kane’s words and feel the man’s hands on his body. Somehow Heath had managed to keep up his own relentless ministrations on Kane’s cock.

“This is how I dream of you, Heath, wild and passionate under my tutelage. You’re the only man I’ve desired this fiercely.” Now Kane’s words were breathless.

Both men were glistening with perspiration, the bed sheets saturated, proof of their passionate lovemaking.

“And you are better than any dream I’ve ever had,” Heath answered.

Their mouths melded together, as their combined lust threatened to consume them, body and soul. Heath tightened his grip on his lover’s cock, and Kane did the same. The couple rubbed their sensitive mushroom tips against the other. The intimate gesture made the pressure in Heath’s balls grow until he could no longer contain it. They rubbed and grunted, whispering words of encouragement to each other until they erupted in a crashing finale. Their cries of completion filled the room.

Heath tried to roll out of Kane’s arms, but the man only tightened his hold on Heath who readily surrendered. The minutes ticked away as their breathing quieted, returning to normal. Heath shivered, prompting Kane to grab the sheets to cover them.

“That was amazing,” Kane said.

“I wanted to help you take your mind off things for a while,” Heath said as he cuddled into Kane’s embrace.

“Thank you.” He planted a kiss on Heath’s head. “I’m sorry I was so preoccupied when we returned home, but I thought for sure Duvall was the culprit.”

“I know you did. He fit the bill. But don’t worry, we’ll find them.”

It hadn’t escaped Heath’s notice that Kane had used the wordhome. Did he really feel that he was home, here, with Heath?

Slumber eluded Heath as he thought about the future. He wanted Kane to be a part of it, but how? Mayhap it was time to have a serious talk with Kane, to see if he even wanted to stay. Heath couldn’t bear to think of his life without Kane in it. He would come up with a solution, somehow.

* * *

The following days passed by with little event. The Dawkins came over for dinner one evening, and Heath told them about the missing girls. He and Kane had agreed it may be best to let a few friends know discretely to have more eyes and ears open to any new findings.

A week had passed since the incident on the dock, and they were no closer to apprehending who was behind the kidnappings. Thankfully, Harvey had reported that no other girls had gone missing. Heath knew better than to think that meant it was over. The people involved may have gotten wind that the authorities were on to them and were lying low. His experience in the Navy made Heath aware that you never underestimate your opponent.

On the bright side, he and Kane had discovered a new level of intimacy. Kane shared his bed every night. Even if they didn’t make love, just the physical nearness was enough to make Heath rejoice.

Things were moving forward with the brewery, and Hayes had told Heath they would be ready to start production soon. Summer was getting into full swing, and the farms were at the height of the growing season. There were also other business investments that Heath had to keep track of. He was running himself ragged. Some days, there was hardly any time for lessons with Kane. At this rate, he would need to find an estate manager to help him.

Wait, he could offer the position to Kane—no longer a ruse. He’d spent enough time at Stokesby Manor to know how the estate operated. Kane had been an integral part in getting Heath to where he was today. It would also solve the problem of how to keep Kane here. Of course, they hadn’t talked about anything long term, but this might be the opening of that discussion.
