Page 85 of The Reaper

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He said it so matter-of-factly, like his father hadn’t killed men for far less. “What are you going to do?”

“I have plans. We’ll talk about them later.”

Instead of going upstairs, he headed toward the door that led directly outside. “Where are you going?”

“I need real privacy. You’re loud enough anyway, and this time, I intend to make you scream.”

“I’m not the only one who gets loud.”

“No. I intend to be loud as hell too.”

That was all I needed for my cock to swell. “Damn, then let’s go to my shed.”

“That’s what I was trying to do.”

We took my truck. I was too impatient to stick to the roads, so I cut a cross-country course in as straight a line as possible. We got there faster than I thought we could, but as we came around the final corner to the cabin, I saw Rogue’s truck parked next to the shed.

I groaned. “Why the hell does he need to be there now?”

TJ glanced at me, then back at the shed. “You don’t think he’s in there with Ghost, do you?”

I’d been trying to ignore that possibility, but something told me that was exactly what was going on. “He made me promise not to bring anyone else there.”

“But you did.”

I sighed. “I know, but…”

“Isn’t Rogue more likely to break the rules than you?”

“Not these kinds of rules, not an agreement just between us.”

TJ held my gaze. “Then why did you?”

“Because it was what you needed.”

“God, I need to get my hands on you.”

“Let’s go back to the house,” I said. “We’ve had to listen to Grant and Jacob plenty. They can suck it up.”

TJ shook his head. “I can’t wait that long, and Arturo is there now. This truck will do fine, or those trees over there look plenty sturdy.”

Neither of those options sounded comfortable, not that I needed comfort to enjoy TJ’s dick inside me. He’d proven that enough over the last week.

“We need more space than the truck, and my hands will get all scratched up by the bark. I have to hold on to reins for hours tomorrow.”

“Then I’ll hold on to the tree, and you can fuck me. It’s about time I got to find out what it feels like to have you inside me.”

I stared at him. Had I really heard that right? Did he want…

“Or if you don’t want to fuck me—”

“I do. Jesus, I really do, but have you done this before? The truck or the woods is not the best place for your first time bottoming.”

“It’s not my first time. I told you I liked it either way before I ever got you in bed—or on the floor or whatever.”

“I thought you were trying to lure me in with promises of letting me have my way.”

He rolled his eyes. “No. It’s been a while, but it’s what I want right now.”
