Page 93 of The Reaper

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Finally, the doctor who’d left with Rogue came into our waiting area. I jumped up. “Is Rogue out of surgery? Is he okay?”

“He is out of surgery, and we were able to repair the major damage. The bullet hit a rib, and fragments of bone pierced his lung.”

“Is he going to be okay?”

He should make a complete recovery, but it’s going to take time.

“That’s… You’re sure?”

“I can’t make promises, but there is nothing evident that would prevent him from recovering.”

Only one person could see him at a time, so I sat by Rogue’s side, waiting for him to wake up. My wait went on and on, long past the time he was expected to regain consciousness. Unable to stand it any longer, I signaled the nurse who had checked on him several times. “What’s wrong? He should be awake by now.”

“The time it takes patients to wake up varies. Let’s give him a little more time.”

The next time the nurse checked on Rogue, I saw her frown as she recorded his vitals. A few moments later, the doctor returned.

“What’s wrong? Why isn’t he waking up yet?”

“I’m sorry,” the nurse said. “You’re going to have to leave while we figure that out.”

“No. I want to stay with him.”

“I’m going to take care of your brother,” the doctor assured me. “But you can’t be in here now.”

“Rogue,” I doubted he could hear me, but I had to try. “I’m going to stay close by. I won’t leave.” Another nurse put her arm around me, and I let her lead me out the door. She explained what was going on to everyone else, and my knees buckled as TJ pulled me into his arms. “Come on. We’re going to step outside and get some fresh air.”

“No, I can’t leave.”

“We’ll come get you if we hear anything,” Grant said.

TJ took me into a courtyard, and we sat on a bench.

“Breathe slowly,” he urged.

I tried, but deep breaths seemed impossible.

TJ cupped my face. “It’s okay. Rogue’s going to be okay.”

He couldn’t know that, but I had to believe it. “Promise me you’ll stay here until he’s out of the hospital, however long that is.”

“Baby, what do you mean?”

“You said you have plans now that you’re free, but—”

“My plans are to be here with you.”

I stared at him. “What?”

“Didn’t you know that was why I told my father I wasn’t coming back. I’m not leaving you. Ever.”

“You… you want to stay at the ranch?”

“Yes, because it’s where you are.”

“But you hate being there.”

He shrugged. “I’ve come to appreciate it. I don’t mind the fresh air so much anymore. The heat, though… Tell me it cools off eventually.”
