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“Hearing you sing. That fucking voice could melt rock, I swear.”

I blinked, utterly taken aback. “Um. Well. Thank you.” I relaxed my hold on the guitar. “I’m thinking of performing that song at a charity concert in London next week.”

His brow furrowed. “Next week?”

“Yup. It’s a three-day event. I’ll be headlining it, so although I’ll only perform the first day, I agreed to act as a guest host for the following two. I almost cancelled, because I don’t like the idea of leaving Judy. But she was having none of that;she pushed me to go, pointing out that she’s been very well-behaved lately. She hasn’t been over-doing it or ignoring the doc’s advice.” I paused. “My friends promised they’d check in on her daily while I’m gone.”

“Who else is performing at the concert?”

I rattled off a short list of acts and artists.

His expression darkened a little. “The lead singer ofKill’mis your ex, right?”

My head twitched to the side. “How do you know that?”

“News of your relationship was plastered all over the internet. As was your breakup.”

“Yeah, the mediareallywent to town back then. I don’t know who started the rumor that we split because Heath was in and out of rehab, but that wasn’t true. He wasn’t on drugs at all.”

“So why did you end it?”

“I didn’t. It was a mutual decision. We didn’t see enough of each other for it to be worth staying in a relationship. We’re good friends, though.”

“Friends?” he echoed, his voice dripping with disbelief.

“Yeah. You don’t think someone can be friends with their ex?”

“I don’t see why they’d bother.”

“Only because you don’t seem to get along with any of your exes. One of them will actually be at the concert. Peyton Court. Hey, didn’t she have a catfight with another of your exes backstage once? When you were still dating Peyton, I mean?”

“That was a publicity stunt. They came up with the idea together.”

My lips parted. “Seriously? Even though Peyton had to know that you hate drama?”

“She thought I wouldn’t realize it was staged.” He snorted. “Anyone with eyes could see it. Not so much on thevideo that circulated because of its angle. But I was there. I saw the whole thing.”

“But why would she do it?”

“There isn’t a lot that Peyton won’t do for publicity. And I think she was feeling in a spiteful mood. Someone posted pictures online of a woman sitting on my lap at a concert afterparty. What actually happened is that she jumped on my lap. Literally appeared out of nowhere, and someone snapped a picture—it was an obvious setup. I shoved her away instantly. But Peyton didn’t believe my explanation; she was convinced that I’d cheated on her.”

“Then she didn’t know you very well. You’re not a man who’d cheat.” He wasn’t the friendliest guy in the world, but he had principles. Integrity. And far too much self-respect than to go against his own code.

His gaze flitted over my face, intent. “No, I’m not.” He linked his fingers and rested his hands on his chest. “Sing for me again.”

“How about you sing for me instead?”

He twisted his mouth. “A private show will cost you.”

“And what would the price be?”

“You’ve got to sing for me topless.”

A startled chuckle burst out of me. “I’m not that kind of performer. I keep my lady bits to myself.”

“Ah, but they’re mine to look at. So I should get to see them whenever I want.”

My core clenched at that. “My grandmother could walk in. I’d rather not traumatize her.”

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