Page 16 of Hate Notes

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What did that mean?

He crossed one leg over the other, propping his ankle on top of his knee. One arm draped casually over the back of the chair as he waited for my answer. And all I could think was,Itmust be nice to be so comfortable in your own skin.

I shifted my gaze to my nails, where I studied the glossy black polish. “It means,” I growled, “that if I had known it was you, I would’ve gouged my eyes out before taking a second look.”

“Could’ve fooled me,” Topher mumbled under his breath.

My eyes shot to him and narrowed. “Excuse me?”

He lifted a shoulder, then dropped it. “Just that it didn’t look like you were disgusted. It looked like you wanted to jump me.”

My jaw dropped, mouth gaping like a fish. I closed it, then repeated the process.

Great, he’s turned me into a guppy.

Annoyed with myself for letting him get to me, I snapped my mouth closed and spoke between clenched teeth. “Oh, and I suppose you’re an expert on what that looks like?”

“You said it, not me, but if it makes you feel any better,” he whispered, leaning close, “I kinda liked it.”

A choking sound gurgled from the back of my throat before I straightened, composing myself.

He wanted to get under my skin, and I was letting him.

“Whatever,” I muttered, then flipped open my textbook. “I suppose you’re sorry for being a jerk yesterday, too.”


I huffed out a breath. Of course he’d so quickly forget.

My fingers curled around my book until my knuckles turned white. “Yeah, in first period?”

A crease formed between his brow. “You mean the name thing?”

The name thing. Like it was no big deal even though they’d been torturing me with it since the sixth grade. Oh, how fun it was to be known as Skunk Girl.

“Yeah, that and your friends stomping all over my stuff in the hall.”

He opened his mouth to speak, but I held out a hand and stopped him. “You know what? We make choices every day that make us who we are. No point in apologizing if you’re going to continue being a prick. ”


I bowed my head, feeling like a jerk. It was almost as bad as the text I sent him.

What had gotten into me?I never spoke my mind or stood my ground.

I pulled out a blank sheet of paper so we could do some problems when I felt the vibration from his silent laughter.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing.” He smirked.

I gnashed my teeth together, shooting him an unamused look.

“It’s just, I’m not used to you being so opinionated. You hardly ever speak in class. I think I’ve barely heard you say two words. Who knew you were so feisty?”

I frowned. That sounded almost like a compliment, but why did it feel backhanded?

“Yeah, well, you don’t really know me.”
