Page 66 of Hate Notes

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“Of course it does.”

“Fine. But the terms of the bet are still solid. So that means you’re my homecoming date. No take-backs.”

My pulse fluttered, and the hand gripping my phone began to sweat.

A bet’s a bet, right?Wrong. But I still had to answer him. “Do you get all your dates as collateral?”

“If it works.”

His blue eyes sparkled, and despite myself, I laughed.

“I’ll take that as a yes?”

“Are you always this relentless?”

“Are you always this resistant?”

I pursed my lips. “When it matters.”

“And agreeing to homecoming matters?”

It did, more than he knew. “Maybe.”

“Just more proof you like me.”


What the crap was I saying?

“Fine, you’ll go?” he asked, and I could practically hear the hope in his voice.

“I’ll go,” I said, even as I regretted it.

“Alright, then. I’ll wear something neutral so we match. And don’t be intimidated, but I’ll probably be Homecoming King.”

My stomach fluttered at the significance of what it would mean to actually show up with Topher on my arm. That is, if he didn’t go running for the hills first.

“Does that matter to you? Homecoming King and all that,” I clarified.

He sighed like it was a burden. “Not in the least, but I guess it’s all a part of the gig, you know?”

No, I didn’t know. I had no clue what it must be like to be that popular to where it was a given. Even if Topher accepted me once he knew the truth, what would JT, Luca, and Mikey say? If we showed up together, it was sure to be a complete disaster.

My stomach rolled uncomfortably, and suddenly, I felt like I might be sick. “You know what, my dad’s calling me. I’ve gotta go.”

Topher’s shoulders slumped, and I heard the disappointment in his voice as he said, “Okay, sure thing. But, before you go, I just wanted to say thanks.”

“For homecoming?”

“For listening. For giving me the permission I needed to be the man I really wanna be.” He paused, jaw working before he said, “My dad knows I’m taking the meeting with Bucknell and considering their offer.”

“Oh, wow,” I breathed, brows rising to my hairline. So that must be the reason he cornered me at the meet. Topher stood up to him, and his father assumed it to be my influence, which I suppose, in part, it was. “How did he take it?” I asked.

Topher shrugged. “He threatened to cut me off. The scholarship only covers tuition, not room and board, so it’s not exactly ideal.”

“Are you second-guessing yourself?”

He blew out a breath and raked his free hand through his hair. “I don’t know. No? Maybe? Regardless, I wouldn’t even have had the courage to take the meeting if it weren’t for you.”
