Page 71 of Hate Notes

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“I know a lot about wanting to be someone else.” She lifted her gaze once more and our eyes locked.

“Greatest fear?” I asked.

“To be seen.” Her throat bobbed. “You?”

“To never really be seen at all,” I said in a husky voice. “But, P, there’s one problem with yours.”

Her eyes dropped to my mouth. “What’s that?”

I lifted my hand to the side of her face, placing it over her cheek. “I already see you.”

Chapter 22



Time slowed.

Topher’s eyes were the bluest I’d ever seen them up close.I already see you. His words thrummed in my head and my heart. The raspy sound of his voice. The way he leaned in close until I could smell the scent of soap on his skin and remember the exact way it felt just a couple hours ago to kiss him.

I was at a crossroads. Give him an inch and he'd surely close the gap and press his lips to mine again. Pull away and send a signal. Lose the moment—the chance—possibly forever.

My head said to retreat.

Because I’m a coward.

Because no matter what he said, a boy like him could never like a girl like me.

Because I was a liar.

Because of Julie.

A bright light blasted my retinas, and I flinched, squinting as I shielded my eyes with my arm and a deep voice barked, “Who’s there?”

Through the beam of light, a man dressed in all black stood before us, flashlight gripped tightly in one hand while his beady eyes peered in at us. Embroidered on his chest was the word “security” in bold letters, and my pulse skipped. I told my father I was with Scarlett because I knew he’d say no to staying out this late with a boy. I also hadn’t wanted to explain what I was doing out with Topher, especially when I, myself, wasn’t even sure. How would I explain getting busted for loitering around in a private business parking lot?

He frowned, his expression tight as the light hit Topher’s face before it loosened all at once. “Topher?”

“Frank, what are you doing here?” Topher blocked the beam of light with his hand, and I exhaled, relieved that he knew this man and we weren’t in any kind of trouble.

“Your dad’s been having some problems with stolen equipment, so he hired me to hang around for the next few weeks and keep an eye on things.”

The static pop of a walkie drew my attention to the man's other hand, and a broken voice came through the line. I watched as the security guard raised it to his lips and said, “It’s just your son and his girlfriend.”

Your son—it must be Mr. Elliot.

My head spun. There was silence on the other end of the radio before a voice I recognized as Mr. Elliot’s asked, “What’s her name?”

The security guard—Frank—lifted a chin in my direction. “What’s your name, kid?”

My mouth turned to sand, my tongue leaden as I opened my mouth to speak and Mr. Elliot’s warning by the pool flashed in my head.

“Penelope,” I rasped while my back pricked with sweat and the man echoed my name.

Chapter 23

