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“You’re soaked.”

I shrugged and slid my thumb to her bottom lip, tracing her mouth with my finger. “They’re just clothes.”

Clothes that were on loan and I was pretty sure cost an ungodly amount of money, but I’d worry about that tomorrow. Right now, I had more important matters on my mind, like kissing Ella again.

Without interruption.

Leaning down toward her, I pressed my forehead against hers, watching as a small smile tipped the corner of her mouth. All I wanted was to make her happy, to see her smile every single day.

“Wanna get out of here?” she asked, and though my heart wanted to leap at the opportunity, I reminded myself this night was not about me.

“But you’ve been looking forward to the ball for so long. I’d hate for you to miss out.”

“Let’s see”—her smile grew—“I met my prince and danced to nearly a dozen songs. Took a walk in a moonlit garden, gazed up at the stars, and shared a screen-worthy kiss. What more could a girl want?”

I let her words sink in, because it almost seemed impossible; I’d accomplished everything I wanted, given her the night of her dreams.

“Where do you wanna go?” I whispered, reaching down to her hands, interlacing her fingers with mine.

“Anywhere. Somewhere we won’t get interrupted. Somewhere we can talk, and kiss, and look at more stars.”

“I know somewhere.” A chill shimmied up my spine at the thought of being with Ella totally and utterly alone.

But I pulled back slightly and lifted her hand to my lips and murmured, “Just give me a few minutes, will you? There’s something I need to do.”

Chapter 24


Ilockedmyselfinone of the bathroom stalls and removed my pants and jacket, hoping to air dry them with the hand dryers, but they were too wet. Though I didn’t want to keep Ella waiting long, it would only take Scarlett and Thorne ten minutes to get from the pool hall nearby to the ballroom where they could swap out my clothes. And the short wait would be worth it if it meant snuggling with Ella under the stars without getting her wet or smelling like pond scum.

I pressed my phone to my ear as it rang, grateful it didn’t get too wet where I’d kept it in my pocket, and started right in when Thorne answered on the third ring. “Hey, I need you to bring me a spare change of clothes.”

“Wait. What happened? Everything cool?”

“Yeah. I mean, JT and his goons happened, but it’s all good. I’ll explain more later. It’s going amazing with Ella, though. We’re ditching the ball, but I’d rather not do it drenched in pond water.”

“Tell me what they did, and I’ll kill them myself,” Scarlett yelled in the background.

“Settle down, Rocky.” Thorne chuckled, before asking, “Where should we meet you?”

“I’m in the bathroom, waiting in a stall.”

“Got it. We’re leaving now,” he said.

After I hung up, my thoughts drifted back to Ella. If she wanted more stars, I’d give them to her. I knew the best place outside of town, where there was no light, nothing but an endless inky sky.

I dialed the ranger for the state park next. I’d gotten to know him through my mother since she did so many photoshoots there, and he allowed me to stargaze after dark.

The phone rang while I said a little prayer he’d pick up when a noise drew my attention to the stall door. And when I glanced up to where I’d slung my wet clothes, all the blood drained from my face.

They were gone.


I sat on one of the huge stones by the fountain, waiting for Barry’s return and thinking about how perfect the evening was. I should’ve known he listened all those times I spoke about what I wanted, but the fact that he went all out to show me how much he cared . . . well, it meant everything.

I was under no delusion about the reality of relationships. They were work. They took sacrifice and honesty, each person giving of themselves. Which was why Barry's efforts meant so much. Because how could he ever betray me if he cared enough to go to such lengths to win me over?
