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God, look at him! He’s sooo hot.

That sleepy, groggy look on his face. His hair all smooshed to the side. The adorable way his nose scrunches up when he yawns. I can’t even.

His hand is tucked behind his head with his elbow in the air. Gravity has taken his shirt sleeve down and that scrumptious tricep is giving me all the feels. Being so close to this strong virile man is making me all achy and throbby down there.

I let my eyes wander down the rest of him and—oh Lordy! He’s rocking ahugeerection under those shorts.

My head jerks back when I spot it and I can’t seem to pull my eyes away once I know it’s there.

“Sorry,” he says when he sees me shamelessly staring at it. “Sometimes it happens in the morning.”

“No! Yeah!” I say, rambling nervously. “Of course. Penises, am I right? Always getting hard. It’s like one touch of a girl in a bikini and boy-oy-oy-ing!”

Oh my God! Shut. Up.

Was the cartoonish sound effect really necessary? My cheeks can start a fire right now.

“Exactly,” he says with a chuckle.

I have to get out of here. I need a second to be humiliated by myself.

“I’m going to go wash up in the stream,” I say as I high-tail it out of there. I don’t even wait for him to answer before I’m practically running through the jungle.

“Geez, girl,” I whisper to myself when he’s out of earshot. “Keep it together.”

I settle in by the stream and wash myself with the cool water. I’ve missed taking showers before, but nothing like this. I really want to get clean. If I could have access to a bathroom, I’d shave my entire body, scrub every inch of my skin, brush my teeth for an hour, and shampoo the salt, sand, dirt and possibly small animals out of my hair. I’d do my makeup and look as good as I can for Ethan.

But all I can really do is splash fresh water on my face and brush my teeth with my finger. I hope he’s into the whole female barbarian look. It’s all I got.

I’m still a bit embarrassed about the whole erection fiasco, so I head over to the lagoon to try and catch a fish. That will impress Ethan (and change the subject) if I can return with our breakfast.

It’s about a ten-minute walk through the forest and I spend about nine minutes and forty-five seconds of that wondering if Ethan’s erection was actually as big as it looked. The thing wasmassive. Thick and long and as powerful looking as him.

It’s got me so distracted that I walk into three branches along the way and then I don’t even realize that Ethan is bathing in the lagoon until I’m right at the water’s edge.

There’s a small waterfall on the other end of the lagoon like someone left a hose running. Ethan is leaning over it and scrubbing his hair.

I swallow hard as I see his hard shirtless torso with water dripping down it. Below his waist is hidden in the water, but it still makes me all wet and lusty knowing what he’s got hiding down there.

His brown hair is full of foam and—

What the hell?! He’s got shampoo?!

He must have heard my gasp because he jerks his head to the side and spots me gawking at him. With a quick rinse, he stands up to his full height with his wet hair slicked back.

I gulp as I stare at him with wide stunned eyes. My heart hammers in my chest. Lustful heat fills me from my head to my toes, swirling like crazy between my legs.

I’ve never wanted anything so badly as I want that man.

The water level is just below his waist, showing off the mouthwatering V carved into his pelvis and giving me a peek of his pubic hair. He reaches back for something behind him and the whole view of his ripped muscles clenching and twisting makes me let out an audible whimper. Not only that, but the movement makes him raise a little and I see thethickroot of his cock for a split second.

“Oh boy…”

He dives into the water with something in his hand and I watch with my breath lodged in my throat as he swims over.

Don’t look at his ass. Don’t look at his ass.

My mouth is in a tight straight line as my eyes keep darting over to his ass.

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