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“Yeah, and don’t think about stealing it.”

I don’t think he’s thinking about stealing it.

“What do you do when it rains?”

“Yeah, good question,” I say, nodding with my hand on my chin. “I get soaked. It’s horrible.”

“Hmmm,” he says as he looks around.

I frown as I stare at him. What, does he think he can do better? I’d like to see him try!

“I have a big tarp in the plane,” he says as he surveys the surrounding trees. “It was covering my grandfather’s plane in storage and I just tossed it into the back. There’s rope in there too. I can hang it up on these branches and we’ll have a large tent.”

My mouth drops as I watch him point it out. No more nights tucked in the fetal position while a waterfall of cold rain crashes down on me? I think I love this guy.

“I can take out the two rows of seats in the back,” he says as he runs a hand through his hair. Oooh, I like when he does that. His arm gets all flexy. “We can use them as beds. They’re not perfect but…”

They sound pretty perfect to me. Anything to get me off that hard rock ground.

“Okay,” he says with a confident nod. “We can upgrade this. What else?”

“Um, what do you mean?”

“Do you have a cooking area?”

I just stare at him.

“Where do you make your fire?”

I stare at him some more.

A fire? What is he talking about? It’s not like I brought a lighter with me. I didn’t have anything on me when I fell.

“You don’t cook?”

“I cook,” I say sheepishly. “I can make a mean spaghetti at home, but here, no. Not really.”

I see concern on that gorgeous face as he stares at me with those soft brown eyes.

“What do you eat?”

“Um, there are these pink fruity spike balls around the island that I eat. They’re so gross. Ugh. There’s also some mangos not too far away and if I get really hungry I eat some leaves or tree bark.”

“Tree bark?” He looks stunned. Not in a good way.

“I do what I can to survive,” I say with a defensive shrug. “What do you expect me to do? That’s all the food on the entire island.”

He looks at some plants a few feet away and walks over to them. My eyes are on those sexy back muscles as he wraps his big hand around a green plant and yanks it out of the earth.What the hell?A big football-sized potato thing is attached to the end where the roots should be.

“What the heck is that?”

“A yam,” he says as he tosses it onto the rock and keeps moving.

I’ve been sleeping hungry beside yams for months and had no idea? Huh.

“What about fish?” he says as he walks through the jungle, looking at everything. I’m only looking at him.

“What about them?”
