Page 51 of Fred and Breakfast

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‘French Kiss, obviously!’

Katie and I first sawFrench Kissa couple of years ago, and we’ve probably watched it at least ten times since then. We can quote large sections of the script by heart, and it’s our go-to film if we want a bit of cheering up, so I’m not at all surprised.

‘What did Bronwyn make of that?’

‘She liked it, actually. Or at least she said she did. How’s my bedroom, Matt?’

‘Very comfortable, thank you, Katie,’ he replies.

‘Right, shall we go?’ I ask. ‘Matt and I are going to do a quick supermarket shop before you and I go to Nan and Grandad’s. Do you want to come with us?’

‘Sure, I’ve got nothing else to do.’

I’m glad Katie is with us, as the conversation between Matt and me is a little stilted while we make our way around Sainsbury’s. We’re perfectly civil, but we’re tiptoeing around each other like we’ve only just met for the first time and we’re trying to create a good impression. I hate the sudden awkwardness, and I find myself trying to work out if there’s anywhere else Matt can stay for the month. I wonder if he’s doing the same.

* * *

‘So. Weird atmosphere this morning,’ Katie observes when we’ve unpacked the shopping and set off for Nan and Grandad’s. ‘What did I miss?’

‘There was an incident involving the bathroom door,’ I explain.

‘Oh, yes? I think you need to tell me everything, don’t you? Unburden yourself.’

I fill her in on what happened, playing it down as much as I can. I do confess to liking what I saw, but I don’t elaborate.

‘I was crazy inviting him to stay for a month. We’re not even twenty-four hours in and he’s already causing chaos!’ I exclaim, when I’ve finished the story.

‘It might be good for both of you,’ she observes.

‘How on earth can it be good for me?’ I demand. ‘I’ve got to maintain a professional relationship with him. I don’t need to be distracted by him parading around in a towel that barely covers his modesty!’

‘Why do you have to make this so complicated? You obviously fancy him, and it’s clear he fancies you. Why not just get on with it?’

‘Because having a relationship with a work colleague is a really bad idea, that’s why. Hang on, what do you mean “it’s clear that he fancies me”?’

‘Have you seen the way he looks at you?’

‘No. How does he look at me?’

‘Totally doe-eyed. Are you really saying you’ve never noticed? Why do you think he was so helpful when we first met him?’

‘I just thought he was being kind because he was a nice guy.’

‘Oh, he’s a genuinely nice guy, no doubt about that. But he’s also potty about you, there’s no doubt about that either.’

Oh, God. If she’s right, I’m in so much trouble.


Matt is watching something on the TV when I let myself back into the flat. He glances up and smiles, before returning his gaze to the screen.

‘How was your lunch?’ he asks.

‘Good, thanks. What did you have?’

‘I treated myself and went to the pub. They had a carvery on and it was surprisingly good, although I’m not a fan of generic gravy.’

‘What do you mean?’
