Page 189 of Devil's Kiss

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A knock sounds on my door, and I wonder who it is. It’s been a while since anyone has knocked on that door. Gytha still knocks, but I’m not expecting to see her until next week when she leaves for Denmark. She’s been helping us look for Zakh, but as the days have gone by with no results, I didn’t want her to miss out anymore.

“Come in!” I call out.

The door opens, and Malik walks in. Although it’s odd for him to be here, it’s good seeing him.

“You okay?” I ask when I notice the troubled look on his face.

“Not so much. This was at my house waiting for me when I got back.” He pulls out a note and shows me. “It’s addressed to the both of us, so I opened it.”

He hands it to me, and I notice our names on the envelope. I open it, pull out the note from inside, and read it. It says:

I didn’t kill Leif. I’ve been set up.

I can’t clear my name right now, but you’re not going to find me until I can prove my innocence,


I look at Malik and take in the stern expression on his face. Part of me would love to believe this, but I know what I saw on the surveillance recording. And I know now that I have to be careful.

“He was at your house?” I ask.

“Yes. And no one saw him, but that’s the kind of shit Zakh can do. We’re dealing with someone who can walk around in plain sight and be invisible if they want to.”


“What are you thinking, Desmier?”

“We saw what he did for ourselves.” I squeeze my hand into a fist.

“We did. He held the knife in Leif’s heart. How can that be a setup?”


“What now?” He holds my gaze, clenching his jaw.

“Either I find him, or he proves his innocence, whichever comes first.”

Whatever happens, there will be retribution for the dead.

Whoever is responsible will pay with their life for those who lost theirs.

* * *
