Page 23 of Wicked Proposal

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As the weeks pass, it gets harder and harder to hate him, or even dislike him. He does everything he can to make me smile. I should’ve known that six months was really a ploy to get me to fall for him again. Not that it’s taken a lot. Damn me and my soppy heart and stupid emotions. Why couldn’t I have just inherited one thing from my dad? Maybe if I had his cold heart then I could protect myself a little more, because I’m going to have my heart broken, again. I can feel it in my bones.

After a busy day at the gallery, all I want to do was to come back and chill with a glass of wine. But Kellie has other ideas and has decided on a night out. As much as I tried to put her off, she pushed harder. She pleaded for ten minutes before I finally gave in and said yes. After being in Troy’s company for the last four weeks, I really do need some girl time. I need some normality. Things aren’t so cold between us lately and I’m starting to get scared. The fact that I don’t trust him is no secret but it’s like he doesn’t care.But then that little flicker of uncertainty raises its head. It makes me question everything.

With my hair ramrod straight and my makeup done to perfection, I pull on a killer black dress with shoestring straps. It moulds to my curves like a second skin and rests at my knee, and the split up the side climbs to the top of my thigh. I paint some red lipstick on and finish my look off with red stilettos and a red clutch. I fill it with my purse, bank cards and phone.

As I hit the bottom of the stairs, Troy is coming through the door. I almost stumble off the last step. Gripping the banister post I just about save myself as I stare at him. It’s like seeing him in a different light. He looks tired, rugged. His tie is askew, the top button of his shirt is undone with his jacket slung over his forearm. Our gaze meets across the hallway, he’s the first to look away as his gaze travels down the length of my body, eating me up hungrily. I feel the heat from his blatant ogling. He then places his briefcase down by the table and hangs his jacket up on the coat stand before taking a few steps closer to me and rests his hand on the banister post. “Going out?”

“Ten out of ten for observation.” I don’t mean to be, or even sound like a bitch, it obviously just comes naturally, but my eyes close when I realise how bad I really sound, “I’m sorry.” They flicker open again to his sexy grin. “Yes, I’m going out with Kellie. I couldn’t get out of it. She insisted.”

“She’s your friend, you should have a night out.” With my heels on I’m a little taller, I don’t have to tip my head back so far to look him in the eye. “You look…” his head shakes. “You look beautiful.”

His compliment makes my insides glow and the corners of my mouth tip into a smile, those familiar feelings flooding back and sigh to myself. “I, erm, I have to go.” My tongue darts out to lick my lips then I remember I have lipstick on and press my lips together. He’s been telling more and more that I’m beautiful. I’m getting used to it.

“How are you getting wherever it is you’re going to?” He reaches up and drags his hand down my bare arm. His touch is like electricity against my heated skin as I hear a horn sound outside, as though it was timed.


“Okay, just be careful. If you need me to pick you up later just ring me.” I smile again at him and nod.

“Thank you.” I slip my clutch beneath my arm and step aside. I take a few steps toward the door and look back over my shoulder to find Troy has turned around too and is watching me. Standing tall, I push my shoulders back, feeling confident and open the door. Our gazes meet and I smile at him before leaving him standing there.

On closing the oak door, I press my back to it for a second or two, willing my racing heart to calm down. With a deep breath in, I then slip inside the taxi that is idling outside the front door.

The taxi pulls upoutside the pub. We never know whether it’s best to wait inside the pub or outside, at least outside there’s bouncers so we have a better chance of being protected. You can’t trust anyone these days. I thank the driver and get out. Kellie stands on the other side of the bouncers, I acknowledge them as I pass, “Hey. You look great.” I say smiling. She’s wearing a leather mini skirt and a flimsy, silky camisole. Her bag hangs from her shoulder and she’s clutching her phone in her hand.

“Me? Baby, you look fucking hot.” Kellie exclaims. “I was about to text you.” She lifts her hand and waves her phone at me.

My head tilts slightly, rolling my eyes with a shy smile at her compliment. “Thank you. Shall we go inside?” Nodding her acknowledgement, I lead the way and head straight for the bar and wait in the queue. “Do you want to go and grab a table?” I turn to Kellie.

“No, let's get the drinks and we can go and find one together.” She answers, smiling. I know what she’s saying, everything’s better in numbers.

“Okay.” It’s not long before the barman gets to us, and I order two Pornstar Martini’s. When the barman puts the glasses on the bar, I tap my card on the reader and pass one over to Kellie just as she notices a table in the far corner.

“Come on,” I follow behind her.

“So, how's it going with the hottie?” I’ve barely got comfortable on the seat and she’s asking questions already.

My manicured brow lifts. ‘Hottie?”

“Please. Don’t tell me you don’t think so. I mean looking like that it must make it easier to have sex with him.” She picks up the shot of Prosecco and pours it into her cocktail.

Sighing I go to do the same, but instead I think twice and neck it. “I think I’m in way above my head. I’m sinking Kell.” I pause for a second while I find the right words. “My composure is failing and I’m finding it harder and harder to pretend I don’t feel anything for him.”

“Girl, you’ve got it bad.” I nod in agreement. I’m not going to argue. “If you ask me, you never stopped feeling for him, but I can see why you fancied him in the first place and even now, he’s a very good looking thirty, however old he is,” She shrugs and takes a gulp of her Martini. “I mean I think you’re fucking lucky. I wouldn’t kick him out of bed for nothing… in fact I’d tie him to it while he slept.”

“You’re a dirty bitch.” I laugh out loud.

“You can talk, having dirty sex with a guy that has you locked away like a princess. I’m trying to think what fairy-tale this could be from?” She raises a dark brow while she thinks about it for a second.

“Fairy-tale?” I question with a frown. “I can’t remember any fairy-tale like this. I mean Rapunzel was kept locked in a tower but even she didn’t get a proposition. Beauty and the Beast: The Beast let her go when once he realised that he was in love with her, and in total honesty, I wouldn’t call Troy a beast, would you?” I ask while pondering on those thoughts.“And would he let me go? I mean would he forfeit this stupid agreement?”

“Well, whatever, he’s the sexiest beast I’ve ever seen.” Her mouth tips up on one side in a smirk, sniggering as her eyebrows bounce at her own thoughts. When all is said and done, I do agree.

The music changes from up to date to the nineties, her eyebrows lifts as she grins and cocks her head to listen to it. I Want It That Way by The Backstreet Boys plays out and it makes me laugh even more. “Appropriate, don't you think?” She laughs as I lift my glass again and drink more.

“Drink up and I’ll get us another.” Kellie stands from her seat as I drain the contents then pass my glass. “Same again?”

“Please hon… If they have one, get a pitcher.” I shout out as she starts to walk away, hoping she’s heard me while I wait at the table for her to return.
