Page 32 of Wicked Proposal

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The rest of the evening is nice. No more talk of business either. Stolen glances across the table joined by soft smiles and hand holding through dessert have the walls that I tried to keep up around him, finally melting. I’m enjoying this softer side, his playful side and the easy banter we seem to be able to have. Maybe this was the right decision.



Never in the years I’ve known Troy, did I think that I would ever call him sweet. But that’s the conclusion I came to last night. He even let me into his life by telling me things about him. He was perfect. Our date at the restaurant, the banter - he’s everything I could ever ask for in a man and a partner. I know this isn’t conventional, him making a deal like that but if not, would I have given him the chance again? I know the answer to that right away. I wouldn’t have even entertained the thought.

“You are my world, Emily Lancaster.”

We help each other out of our clothes, and as much as we are both turned on after taking our time to caress each other, I lay wrapped tightly in his arms as he kisses me sweetly, whispering that he loves me as I drift off to sleep.

Waking up though and watching him dress in his suit is just as sexy as stripping him out of it. I watch closely as he pulls on his trousers and threads his arms into his shirt and tries to fasten his cuffs. Pulling the covers back I jump out of bed and go to him. “Let me?”

“I got quite excited then, I thought you were coming over to take it back off.” My fingers start working through the buttons as I look up and smile at him. He’s so bloody handsome.His sea green eyes make me feel like I’m bobbing in water getting just enough air to keep me up. His square stubbly jaw and his full lips have my knees buckling.

“You wish, you bloody nympho.” As I get to the last button, I reach around him and hold him tight.

“What’s this for?” He says putting his lips to the top of my head.

“Thank you for last night. It was perfect.” I tell him, nestling my cheek against his warm, firm chest.

“Even though I’m a snob?”He reminds me.

The amusement in his voice makes me turn my face up to his, resting my chin on his chest a smirk tugs at the corner of my mouth. “Yep.”

He nods. “Guess I’m doing something right then.” Tipping my head back further he bends and kisses my lips firmly. “I’ll let you get dressed.” I feel a little bereft when he releases me winking as he walks from the room. Sighing, I go to the walk-in wardrobe and grab one of my work dresses from the hanger and pull it on. Reaching around myself, I get the zip halfway up but can’t budge it any further. Again, I need help. Quickly, I wash, clean my teeth then drag a brush through my hair, pulling it into a ponytail before doing my makeup. Stepping into my block heel shoes I grab a jacket to take with me and head downstairs. Troy is at the kitchen island tapping away on his phone when I walk in. He is so engrossed he doesn’t even glance away from the screen. I find my coffee on the counter and sip on it while I wait for him to finish.

“Fuck!” His phone skids across the marble, he picks up his cup and drinks his coffee instead, lifting himself from the stool.

“Everything okay?”I ask frowning at him, wondering what can be causing that scowl so early in the morning.

“Sorry, baby. I didn’t see you come in.” He drains his cup and leaves it in the sink, “I have to go.” he kisses me way too quickly. “This fucker thinks I’m about to roll over and beg for his business, like fuck!”

Snatching his phone from the island, he shoves it into his pocket and takes his briefcase in the other hand before storming toward the door. It’s then I remember that my dress is still only halfway up. “Oh Troy, hang on a sec.” He stops his march down the hallway and turns back. “I couldn’t get my zip up.”

He comes back to me, placing his briefcase down at his side and comes around me. I shift my ponytail, that’s hanging down, out of the way. “If you just want my hands on you, you only have to say you know.” He chuckles and leaves a kiss on the top of my head, “See you later.” He’s down the hall in no time and in less than a few seconds the door is closing and I’m on my own.

Sitting at the island and drinking my coffee, I pick up my bag and pull it onto my shoulder. I’ve got about a thirty-minute drive and if I leave it any longer, that thirty minutes will turn into an hour because of rush hour traffic and that’s a bitch.

As I get into my car, I drop my bag on the passenger seat and start the engine, pulling out onto the driveway and begin my drive to work.

I smell the coffee as I stroll into the gallery. I can always count on Kellie to have the kettle on, at least when I’m due in.

The block heels I’m wearing make a subtle thud on the marble as I walk through and go straight to the back to drop my bag and jacket in the office. I have a bit to do today so I’ll be spending most of my time in here.

“Morning, Kell.” I greet my friend and employee as I come back out. The little lifesaver that she is, is already pouring us coffee as I walk into the small kitchenette we have. “Do we have food I’m starving.”

“Has that sexy man of yours been keeping you tied up in the bedroom and not feeding you.” Kellie chuckles and I cock my head at her, far from amused.

“No. Well, he’s been keeping me in the bedroom, but I eat very well, thank you. Although the seafood last night was out of this world.”

“Well, it’s lucky for you that I’m such a good little wifey, I got us some croissants.” She holds up a bag, looking proud of herself.

“You’re the best.” The phone rings so Kellie goes to the front desk to answer it and I grab us a couple of plates, leaving Kellie’s on the side by her coffee.

Taking my plate and my coffee to the office I close the door behind me, sitting down to eat my breakfast and take a sip from my cup. My phone pings from my bag. As I reach in to take it out, I see a message from Troy:

Troy:Sorry for rushing out this morning. X
