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“Can I help with anything?” I ask after we both stop giggling.

“Sure, darling. You can start peeling the potatoes for dinner,” she mumbles, patting me on the back as she stands. “Your father has it in his mind that he’s been denied my homemade chicken fried steak and garlic mash. He’s right, but that’s only because he needs to start watching what he eats a bit more. I don’t want to lose him before I’m ready.”

“Sounds good, Mom. Let me just go use the bathroom and wash my hands and I’ll get started.” I kiss her cheek, making my way to my bathroom.

I’m glad we had that talk. My heart feels lighter than it did, I don’t feel as afraid to show our relationship to the world. All the most important people in my life are supporting me, everyone else doesn’t matter. People have been judging me my entire life about what I wear, who I hang out with, or what I’m doing with my life. At some point you need to just shut it out and be who you want to be. I want to be loved and adored by the five most amazing men I’ve ever met. Deal with it.

Chapter Twenty


After helping my mom get dinner ready for my dad, I head to get ready for a special date with just me and the twin Wilds. They apparently have another magical night planned for us. I am one spoiled woman, that’s for damn sure. Not that I’m thinking this is going to fail because I’m not giving any of my guys up for anything, but if it does then I’m screwed. My expectations are way higher than they were before. All of my guys are sweet, romantic, and killer in bed. That’s a dangerous combination, especially when it’s all five of them.

I decide to go with a simple outfit tonight, some lacy white shorts and a cute flowing blue shirt with lace along the top. My hair is staying down and natural, the way the guys seem to appreciate it the most. Every time I get dressed and ready for my guys, I feel like a girl going on her first date. It’s a giddy, butterfly inducing feeling that I can’t get enough of.

Both Mason and Grayson asked to pick me up tonight. I honestly couldn’t decide who to choose, I’m clearly not good at choosing, so I told them I would just drive myself over. This way I can grab a bottle or two of wine on my way over, something nice to contribute since they keep being the ones to pay for everything. I’ve offered to help time and again but they are adamant that they don’t want me to help. Silly, men.

I walk towards the front door, stopping when I hear music coming from the kitchen. My lips quirk up when I hear Garth Brooks, my parents must be dancing around the island being all lovey dovey. They do it when they think I won’t catch them. A stolen moment just for them. When I was young I used to sneak to the corner when I heard the music start, peering around to watch my dad whisk Mom around the kitchen. It’s what made me believe in true love and it’s what I always referenced in my head when I told myself not to settle.

Sneaking past, I rush to the front door, sneaking out so they don’t stop what they’re doing. My lips are still pulled into a smile as I hop in my car. My phone rings when I start it up, my car speaker taking over when I answer.

“Hello,” I say cheerfully.

“Hey, bestie! Whatcha up to?” Piper answers.

“I am currently headed to the twins place for a romantic date night,” I brag a little. “What are you up to?”

“Just puking my guts out and watching HGTV. I so wish Josh and I could still do date night. I swear if this morning sickness doesn’t go away soon I may scream. It’s literally the worst.” Piper sighs then continues. “Anyways, I called to say that I totally forgot we hadn’t invited all of your men to the wedding. We’re rectifying that tonight, so pass the message along to them. Also! Tell our Dad that I expect him to wear that purple tie. He keeps trying to get out of it.”

“Got it! I will let everyone know and I will personally put that tie on Dad the day of the wedding.”

“Perfect! I knew I could count on you. Now, go get some sweet twin ass! You are the filling to their sandwich tonight, do me proud!” Piper hangs up before I have a chance to reprimand her for getting involved in my sex life. Again!

Shaking my head, I can’t help but laugh at Piper’s shenanigans. That girl is as sex crazy as they come. It probably should have been her with a set of Brother Husbands, but Josh is an only child so that’s ruled out. Plus, I don’t think Josh is the sharing type. He comes off the playful carefree guy, but with Piper he’s as devoted and possessive as they come. Not in an abusive way, because if he was I would have to kick his ass, but in a normal alpha male way.

I pull up to the twins apartment complex, my butterflies swarming my stomach as I make my way to the door. If your men don’t give you butterflies and shivers, find new men. This feeling is something that shouldn’t necessarily go away, it just gets mixed in with the feelings of comfort.

As I step out of my car, Mason is already there, pulling me into his arms for a deep hello kiss. My foot pops as he dips me backwards, his hand on the back of my head to keep my lips pressed to his. This is a hell of a way to say hello and I am loving every single second of it. When he pulls back, smiling at me as he brushes my face with one hand.

“That was quite the hello.” I giggle, blushing under his gaze. “Did you miss me?”

“I always miss you,” Mason drawls. “Haven’t you figured out how much we’re all devoted to you? Every second we’re apart feels like an eternity.”

My breath catches in my throat, my eyes filling with tears at his words. A drop of water splashes on my face as we stand there, soaking in the sight of each other. As I look up, the sky opens up on us in a downpour. Neither of us move as we get soaked to the bone. Our eyes meet again, the chemistry sizzling between us like electricity. Grayson runs out at this time, trying to figure out why we’re standing in the rain.

“What in the hell are you guys doing?” Gray asks when he gets to us.

I don’t say a word as I turn to him, pulling his head down to press my lips to his. I feel Mason come up behind me, caging me in between them. Grayson instantly molds his lips to mine, deepening the kiss like he’s been waiting all day to do it. Mason’s hands roam along my sides, his face nuzzling into the side of my neck as I kiss his brother. Grayson pulls back suddenly, flipping me around straight into his brother’s waiting arms. Mason’s lips find mine again, his hands skillfully stroking the skin just above my shorts.

“Inside. Now,” Grayson groans in my ear, loud enough for Mason to hear as well.

We move into the building, our hands roving all over each other as we go. It feels like if we lose contact the magic of the moment will be lost and I refuse to let that happen. The high I feel when I’m around any of my men is addicting in the best way. Their touches, their words, the way they treat me, it’s what romance novels are based off of.

Mason breaks apart to open the door to their apartment for us. I can’t even remember the trip up here, my mind is completely focused on the two stunning men in soaked clothing that hugs them in all the right places. I didn’t know I was in for a wet t-shirt show, but I am far from complaining. A kiss in the rain and two sexy as hell twins in soaking tight shirts, this is one of the best nights of my life already.

The scent of Italian food is in the air when we step inside, the room beautifully set up for a romantic night in. It looks wonderful and I can’t wait to get to that, first I need some twin time though. My clit is throbbing in the most delicious way and it will not be ignored. I have turned into quite the sex addict since coming back this summer. Scratch that, I’ve become a Wild addict. I doubt I’ll ever get enough of them.

“God, baby. You are so gorgeous,” Grayson drawls, pulling me towards the living room and a large blanket bed set up on the ground. “We need to get these wet clothes off of you, can’t have you catching a cold.”
