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“That’s me,” I respond, trying not to grimace at the little part. “But I’m not so little anymore.”

“No, you are not,” he slowly drawls. “You grew up in the last four years.”

A laugh escapes my lips without thought. “That’s what happens over time. I haven’t quite found that fountain of youth yet.”

Grayson laughs with me, moving just a touch closer. I would love to say that I am completely unaffected after all this time, yet my heart definitely says differently. I feel my pulse quicken and the butterflies I thought were long gone start fluttering in my chest. I’m back home for five minutes and already I’m swooning over one of the Wild boys. I think I’d need a damn lobotomy to forget them at this point.

“Are you back for good?” Grayson speaks again, shaking me from my thoughts.

“Just for the summer I think,” I reply, surprisingly normal sounding. “It’s Piper’s wedding, I couldn’tnotcome home for that. I’ll probably head back up north, to the New York area afterwards to look for a job in my field.”

“You always were meant for more than this small town,” he says with a smile. “I won’t keep you any longer, I know your parents are probably excited to see you. We should find some time to get together while you’re in town.”

“Sure! I’d like that,” I answer quickly. I hope I didn’t just come off too eager. The smile that lights up his beautiful, carefree face tells me that I answered correctly.

Waving goodbye, I head into the house to find my parents. My car is packed full of my stuff, but I’ll worry about that later. It’s been a year since my parents came to see me in New Jersey. I’ve missed them a lot. My mom still calls me every Sunday to chat about our lives but Dad has never been the type to talk on the phone for long. If I call, I get a few grunts and sentences before I’m passed to Mom. Dad is more of a talk in person kind of man so I’ve missed hearing from him while we’ve been apart.

“Mom! Dad!” I yell into the seemingly empty house. “Anyone home?”

“Brayleigh! You’re home!” Mom speaks as she comes around the corner from where my room is. “I was just getting your sheets put on your bed for you.”

“Mom, I can make my own bed. You don’t have to cater to me while I’m home,” I say with a smile. “I’m a grown woman now.”

“Oh, pish posh. I’m going to take care of my baby while she’s home,” she waves her hand as she disregards what I said. “You haven’t been home in forever, I need to feel like your mom again.”

“You’ll always be my mom,” I murmur as I hug her tightly. “That doesn’t mean I’m incapable of being an adult.”

“Just give me this,” Mom laughs. “Did you bring all of your stuff with you?”

“Yeah. It’s still in the car since I thought I would say hi to you and Dad first,” I explain. “I’ll go grab it now.”

“Reg!” Mom hollers for Dad. “Reginald! Get your ass in here to see your daughter!”

I laugh as Dad comes ambling in with one eyebrow raised. He walks over, giving me a huge hug before turning to stare down Mom.

“Did you have to holler like that woman?” He asks with his mischievous glint in his eye.

“Yes I did and don’t call me woman, old man. Now, go get Bray’s stuff from her car so she can have a glass of sweet tea before she gets ready for Piper’s party tonight.” Mom lightly shoves Dad’s shoulder towards the door.

“Martha, you are one pushy woman. Don’t be like your mother kid, she’s crazy!” Dad mumbles to me. Mom makes a pass to swat Dad on the arm making both of us burst out laughing. “I told you she was crazy!”

“I’ll show you crazy!” Mom yells after him with a smile on her face. “Now, let’s get you that tea so you can get ready. I’ve heard Josh has some very handsome, single friends that are going to be there. We need you looking your best.”

Rolling my eyes I follow after Mom towards the kitchen. She just loves playing matchmaker, especially with the men in this town. Half of our weekly chats are about who down here is single, cute, and someone I just have to meet. I know she wants me to settle down with a nice southern boy that will keep me here and close to her. My mom is many things but subtle is not one of them.

“I haven’t even been home one day! Chill with the matchmaker stuff.”

“You won’t be so young and beautiful forever Brayleigh. You need to start thinking about your future seriously,” she lectures me.

“I look so much like you that I know that’s not true. You’re still gorgeous so I have time,” I say. Buttering her up is a skill I have perfected over the years.

Mom hands me a glass of sweet tea as she glares me down. I can see her laugh lines starting to show so I know my words worked but she doesn’t want to show it. She sends me to my room where Grayson is helping my dad set down my suitcases and boxes. I smile politely, making my way into the room that I spent the first 18 years of my life in. It honestly doesn’t look any different than it did when I left four years ago. It has the same frilly pink curtains, the same floral ivory comforter on my raised queen bed and the same antique desk I spent so many nights doing homework on.

Running my hand over the sheer bed canopy that always made me feel like a girl playing princess, I smile at all the memories. I spent a lot of nights reading on my bed, studying like crazy at my desk and missing every party thrown except one. The night Tuck kissed me back, then told me it never happened is the first and only party I went to and it’s seared into my brain.

“Brayleigh!” A voice shouts, shaking me from my trip down memory lane.

I turn to see Grayson looking at me with concern. I smile at him, apologizing for spacing out.
