Page 26 of Save Me

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“More like one person barely tolerating the other.” I playfully glare at Adam who shoots me the middle finger in return.

“Be nice to her. We want to keep her around.” Rhys winks at me again, his smile mischievous. “Unlike you. You can leave for all we care.”

“Asshole!” Adam flips him off too with both hands this time.

Rhys punches Adam in the arm playfully, the two of them starting to mock fight each other. Shaking my head at the two of them, I sit back and enjoy the show. Not going to lie, the playful violence and bulging muscles on the two of them is hot as fuck. They should have sold some tickets to this show, they would have made major bank.

The brotherly love is so evident between these two in this moment that it makes my heart ache a little bit. They found a family in each other, with Riggs and Declan as well, and as much as I’m happy for them, it shows me what I’ve been missing. I’ve been coping by shutting people out, but maybe that’s hurt me more in the long run. I want this and even though I can feel myself denying it, I want it with them.

They’ve already broken down my walls and shown me what being a part of their group feels like. I just wish it could be forever. With them I’m not afraid to be vulnerable or have a bad day. It’s pretty easy for me to see why Declan fell in with these three assholes. The question now is, why did he choose death over this?

“Ready to go, Lay?” Rhys’ voice breaks through my melancholy thoughts. Blinking my eyes up at him, I nod with a tight smile.

“Let’s go. Time to hit some shit.”

“This is where you’re staying?” Rhys asks. He takes care to make his tone unconcerned, but I can see the assessment in his eyes. He doesn’t look like he trusts this place at all.

“Yeah,” I answer nonchalantly with a shrug. “It was the first place I saw on Google so I went with it. It’s not that bad.”

“It doesn’t seem the safest.” He looks around like he assumes a gang fight is going to break out at any moment.

“It was also cheap. I don’t like spending too much unnecessary money. Did you need to do a sweep of the room before I go, Mr. Safety Officer?” I tease, sweeping the door open for him.

He gives me a mock glare, but walks in anyways. I wait patiently by the door, watching him as he scans the entire room before checking the bathroom as well. Rhys nods at me to give me the all clear. It warms my heart that he cares that much, yet my feminist side bristles a little at the fact that he thinks I can’t handle a threat on my own. I’ve had a vagina my entire life, I know the risks that come with that. Some may say I know them too well.

“I’m going to go change in the bathroom. Have a seat, it won’t take me long.”

Grabbing my bag, I disappear into the adjoining bathroom to get into my ass-kicking workout gear. The sports bra is a little more heavy duty than your standard one and my spandex leggings have some extra padding around my ankles, knees, and hips so I can practice utilizing my legs in a fight with minimal bruising. Pulling my long black hair back in a tight bun, I secure it with multiple elastics to make sure it’s not going anywhere.

Walking back out, I notice the gift box from last week in Rhys’ hands. He turns it over, glancing at it from multiple angles with a furrowed brow.

“Whatcha looking at?” I raise a single eyebrow in his direction, trying to make it clear he’s looking at my stuff. Rhys’ blue eyes meet mine and there isn’t a single thread of embarrassment or guilt on his face, only concern.

“Where did you get this?” His tone makes me pause, it screams authority and command. At this moment, I can totally see Officer Rhys.

“It was left in front of my door last week. Why? Is there something wrong with it?” I ask, moving to stand beside him. “It came with a bouquet of roses that I just tossed in the trash.”

“This note was attached to it,” Rhys responds, handing over a simple white card with nothing on the outside. Opening the card, I glance at the message inside, my stomach dropping at the sight.

You’re even more beautiful than I imagined. The stories didn’t do you justice. I can’t wait to have you in my arms.

Soon. -J

“Motherfucker,” I curse, placing my hand over my mouth to stop myself from throwing up everywhere. “Do you think—”

“That this is the J from the notebooks?” Rhys answers the question I couldn’t even finish asking. “Yeah, I think it’s a natural leap in logic.”

“Should I open it?” The hesitation in my tone is clear as day. I’m terrified to open this and see what’s inside.

“It might give us a clue. Only open it if you feel completely comfortable, I don’t want you doing anything that’s going to upset you more.”

Shaking, I ease the top of the small box open and my breath catches at the sight inside. Laying on a bed of white synthetic silk is a locket necklace with a calla lily engraved on the front. The necklace is almost an exact replica of the one given to me when my mother passed away twenty three years ago. Declan was the only one who knew about it. He was the only one I showed before I lost it when I was just shy of seventeen.

“This necklace—” My voice cracks, the anger and grief fighting each other to come out on top. “It looks just like one from my past. It was my mother’s.”

“Who knew about it?” Rhys asks, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder and squeezing.

“Only Declan.”
