Page 54 of Bearly Familiar

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with the woman, the problem is solved now,” Ozul spoke with the voice of a man who had been smoking for 50 years. “Did you take care of Xenos?”

Hyde swallowed heavily before he spoke. He was fuming on the inside, but there was little he could do right now.

“I’m afraid there were some complications, Ozul,” Hyde spoke as calmly as he could.

“What… Xenos? Is that you!?” Ozul hissed on the other end of the line.

“Long time no see,” Hyde continued, “but I do hope we’ll get to correct that.”

“Where is Culore?”

“He’s fine, for now,” Hyde warned him. “But, he might not be for much longer.”

“What do you want?”

“What I’ve always wanted, to be left alone, but you couldn’t do that. Now, you have my son with you and all Hell is about to break loose,” Hyde growled into the receiver.

“You know how the rules work, Xenos,” Ozul spoke, “for Culore to become leader of your clan, he needs to kill you and your son.”

“I don’t give a fuck about those outdated rules that belong to the fucking Stone Age!” Hyde shouted so loudly, that Rene had to take a step back. “If I wanted to stay and be the leader, don’t you think I would have done that, instead of escaping all that?”

“Running away doesn’t somehow make the rules void,” Ozul hissed.

“Listen,” Hyde exploded, not wanting to prolong this any further, “Hasn’t this gone on long enough?

I have someone you want and you have someone I want. Let’s just peacefully exchange our hostages and disappear from each other’s lives.”

Close enough to hear the whole conversation, Rene looked on anxiously. She admired Hyde trying to solve this peacefully, when she knew how angry he was that his son was in danger. If she were him, she’d beat up Culore so badly, that he wouldn’t know what day it was. But, that was only her. Hyde was a better person, a person who always strived to solve problems in the best way possible, so that no one, not even the bad guys, got hurt.

“I can’t do that, Xenos,” Ozul replied, cautiously.

The tone of his voice revealed to Hyde that he was actually considering it, but he was probably afraid of Culore’s reaction.

“Of course you can,” Hyde continued, slowly, carefully, wanting Ozul to think that he was in control of what would happen, while Hyde guided him exactly in the right direction. “No one needs to get hurt. Not my son, not my ex-wife, and not Culore. You know I can hurt him badly, Ozul.”

Ozul didn’t reply, but Hyde could almost hear the sound of heavy breathing.

“I can hurt him so bad that he’ll wish he was dead, but he won’t be.”

Hearing that, Rene was surprised he could talk so calmly about hurting someone. But, it was probably the anger talking, the fact that the most precious being in the world was in danger and he was unable to do anything about it from here.

“Just let them go, Ozul,” Hyde’s tone of voice became even softer, as if he was pleading. “I give you my word I won’t harm Culore. I’m giving you another chance to end things peacefully. Aren’t you tired of this war that’s been going on for far too long?”

Ozul still wasn’t talking. He was considering the possibility of finally ending this never-ending search for the elusive clan leader who just wanted out, and no one let him. So, he took matters into his own hands and left everything behind, but the past can never really be left behind. That much was now evident to everyone involved.

“Where?” Ozul suddenly asked one word that seemed to end it all.

“Culore knew where we are, so I’m guessing you know, too. Come to the lodge, we’ll be waiting.”

“One hour.”

“I want to talk to them,” Hyde demanded.

Ozul took a deep breath. A second later, some fumbling was heard, then Parker’s voice.

“Dad?” he sounded scared.

“Parker!!” Hyde shouted into the receiver. “Are you alright? Did he hurt you?”

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