Page 61 of Bearly Familiar

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“It’s a good thing he came, I was starting to run out of constellations,” Isabella murmured, looking at Parker and Hyde.

Rene smiled, appreciating the friendly comment. She’d heard so much about this woman from Parker and very little from Hyde. He never wanted to talk about her and she understood that. But, Parker was more than happy to tell Rene about her. Everything good, of course. She always wondered, when the time came, how she would meet her. She expected it to be strange, maybe a little awkward. She had hoped it would be smooth and, maybe, the two could even become friends.

This kind of a first meeting, however, was something she couldn’t have imagined, even in her wildest dreams. A hostage situation, where Parker and his mother would be kidnapped and Hyde would have to save them, with a little help from Jesse and herself. It was just crazy beyond any belief and, yet, here she was, standing next to this woman, who managed to smile and even crack a joke, as if her life and the life of her child, wasn’t hanging by a thread a mere hour ago.

“I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced,” Isabella continued confidently, offering Rene her hand.

Shaking her hand firmly, Rene smiled.

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Isabella seemed to be in the lead of this conversation, but Rene didn’t mind.

She was overwhelmed by everything that had just happened and, right now, her priority wasn’t to wow her boyfriend’s ex-wife. In reality, she just wanted to go home and tell Alice everything that had happened, though she doubted she’d be able to do that. She would probably have to tell Alice the official version they all just agreed upon.

“Me, too,” Rene nodded.

Despite everything, the woman before her was beautiful. Her strikingly blue eyes stood in stark contrast to her dark, chestnut hair, and her body definitely didn’t look as if she gave birth five years ago. Rene didn’t know exactly how old this woman was, but she certainly didn’t look her age.

“Parker has really taken a liking to you,” Isabella continued, and only then did Rene notice a slight South American accent.

That explained her dark tan and fiery nature, which in this instance revealed itself through her wanting to control the first meeting with her ex-husband’s new girlfriend.

“I’m guessing it’s the worms,” Rene laughed, surprised that she could do that so soon.

“Absolutely,” Isabella nodded.

The two women remained in silence for a few moments, not really knowing what else to say, but at the same time, unwilling to go. Isabella was braver once again.

“Thank you,” she said, a little coyly.

Rene realized how looking shy didn’t suit this woman at all. She was much too beautiful to ever be shy.

“For taking such good care of my boy,” Isabella continued, sounding a little mo

re confident this time. “I can’t tell you how relieved I am because of that.”

“You’re very kind,” Rene smiled.

She wondered if Isabella knew about her and Hyde. Jesse was another story. Their unconventional love would probably remained hidden for a while, until they figured everything out. This was new territory for them all and they needed to take it slow, one step at a time.

“I think Hyde chose well this time,” she suddenly added, surprising Rene.

“What do you mean?”

He told her. She didn’t think he would, not this early at least. She thought they had a silent agreement not to mention anything to anyone, especially in front of Parker.

“I know you are seeing my husband,” she said, coolly.

Rene’s eyes widened in shock at her bold comment. She could feel her mouth drying up. This conversation was getting less pleasant with this change of topic.

“When did he tell you?” Rene asked.

“He didn’t,” Isabella smiled back, “he doesn’t tell me much about his life now. I guess I deserved that. But, he does mention you when he comes to pick up Parker and his eyes glow up. I know that look. I used to be the cause of it.”

Rene swallowed heavily. She didn’t know how to interpret this comment. Was his ex-wife still into him? Would she try to get him back? Rene had no idea what to expect. She was never in such a situation, so she had to be careful, for her own sake, as well as for the sake of the child involved.

“But, don’t worry,” Isabella waved her hand dismissively, “I’m not trying to get him back. I did a horrible thing to him and I know that it was inexcusable.”

Rene didn’t want to say anything to this. Hyde did tell her about the affair, but Rene didn’t want to accuse this woman of anything. She doubted Hyde wasn’t attentive enough to her, but sometimes, people just weren’t compatible, and no matter how much one side was trying, it’s never enough for the other person, who then tries to find what they are missing somewhere else.

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