Page 71 of Bearly Familiar

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“Always,” Jesse emphasized, just in case she ever forgot.

This tender moment lasted for a few seconds, during which meaningful glances were exchanged, and Rene already knew that they’d all meet up tonight in one of the rooms and have wild, silent sex. That was inevitable. But, now, it was time to go on an adventure.

Hyde pointed the way and they took off. They were passing by old, dilapidated houses which were still inhabited by people, and Rene wondered how come they weren’t afraid that the roof would come crashing down on them. Goats roamed the roads freely, as shepherds watched their sheep in the meadows. Children ran curiously around them, asking them all sorts of questions.

Rene found it endearing. She answered a few, and then gave them her bag of M&M’s to share amongst themselves.

“You know,” she knelt down before a blue-eyed girl who was stuffing her face with the candy, “we are looking for a special place. Maybe you can help us find it. It’s a well.”

The girl, chewing with her mouth open, pointed in the direction of the woods, where no path was visible.

“Are you sure?” Rene asked, hoping that her Romanian was comprehensible.

The little girl just nodded.

“Here,” Rene gave her a Mars bar as a thank you.

The girl grabbed it, and ran away with it.

“This way,” Rene shouted at the guys who were busy inspecting a dried up fountain.

“Where?” Hyde asked, and Rene pointed. “There is no path there.”

“So?” she shrugged her shoulders and started, without waiting for them.

Somehow, all of the anxiety and confusion dissipated on the way to this place. Rene wasn’t feeling chaotic any longer. She felt like this was the right place to look for answers. Even if she didn’t find them, she believed that this place held a spiritual connection with her mother and just visiting it would be enough.

Rene waded through a path of mud and leaves, hoping that she was going in the right direction. Hyde and Jesse followed closely behind. Long branches scraped at her jacket, getting tangled in her hair, but she kept pushing forward. She could sense that she was on the right track.

“Hey, slow down a little, will you?” Jesse joked.

“I can’t,” she shouted back, “I’m too excited!”

“I can see that!” he laughed.

Suddenly, they reached a clearing. The grass looked like someone had cut it, or maybe a group of people had stomped on it. The surrounding trees kept this clearing in the shade. From the very center of it, one had a gorgeous view of the mountains. Right there, underneath a big oak tree that seemed to touch the heavens themselves, a small well lay.

“Over there…” Rene whispered, barely discernably.

Her finger was pointing at the well. Hyde stopped. He dared not take another step forward. Jesse did the same. The wind howled through Rene’s hair, dancing with it, twirling it around. A second later, it was gone. Nature went silent, as if it knew how important this moment was for them, especially for Rene.

Rene walked over to it slowly. Dry leaves crunched beneath her feet, but she paid no attention to it. When she finally reached it, she rested her palms on the outer edge. It was cold to the touch, but she couldn’t pull away.

“Be careful,” Hyde urged her.

Rene swallowed heavily. She took a deep breath, trying to remember what her mother told her.

Go home. Find the Sanziene well. Open the box.

This had to be the place. There was an aura about it, that didn’t belong to this world. Before she even leaned in to see how deep this well was, she could swear that she heard howling, like someone yelling from the very depths of Hell.

She turned around to Hyde and Jesse. They were standing two steps away from her.

“What is it?” Hyde asked, immediately rushing to her side.

He could sense that she was having second thoughts about this. She was scared, because she had no idea what would happen. She didn’t believe that her mother would send her somewhere dangerous, but this place was frightening.

“We can just turn around and go back home,” Hyde assured her and Jesse nodded behind them. “You don’t have to prove anything, especially not to us.”

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