Page 43 of Dangerous Secrets

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The men scramble out of the room, leaving Mia, Jagger, my dad and I alone. Dad switches on the light and Macka’s body comes into view.

“Hudson…” Dad begins but I hold my hand up stopping him. My eyes are focused on Mia, she can’t stop staring at Macka’s body. “Mia, are you okay?” he asks, realizing why I stopped him talk


She nods, unable to tear her gaze away, “Why did he do that? He could have done it at the very beginning, but why did he wait until then?” She sounds perplexed, is she staring at him as she’s curious of his motives or is she staring at him because he’s dead. Maybe it’s a mixture of the two?

“Mia, he was cornered, they always take the easiest way out,” Jagger tells her softly.

I stand in front of her and instantly her eyes lift to mine. “Princess?”

"He had the gun the entire time he was here Hudson, he was cornered. Why didn't he do it before?” She muses out loud, I let her be, let her get out whatever is playing on her mind. "Macka seemed to believe that you wouldn't find Martin, or why he's doing this. That was until he slipped up. He said something he shouldn't have and killed himself."

"Okay and how did he slip up?" I ask, I can see what she's saying, I'm just not entirely sure that she's right.

"I don't know, but I think it has to do with what he said. When Jagger called Martin a traitor, something in Macka seemed to switch. He said, ‘Why should Hudson be the boss? Why should Hudson have everything when Martin has nothing?’"

"Mia, I think you're stretching here," Jagger says softly and my eyes cut to his, warning him to tread carefully.

She shakes her head. "I don't think I am, see when Hudson explained that he is the only heir to the kingdom, there was no one else to be boss, Macka said it wasn't true, that Hudson needed to look a lot closer to home."

He fucking did say that. "Princess, what are you saying?"

She turns to face my father. "Harrison, you know what Macka was hinting at, don’t you." It's not a question but a statement.

"Dad?" I ask, wondering where the hell this is going. He glances to the floor and it pisses me off. "Dad, do you want to tell me what the fuck is going on?" I say through clenched teeth.

He sighs heavily. "Look son, I made a mistake, one that seems to be biting me in the ass now."

I raise my brow, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

"I was fifteen and I thought with my dick as most boys do at that age. I got a married woman pregnant. I told the woman to go back to her husband, I wasn't going to marry her and if she told anyone about our affair, I'd have her killed," he says with no emotion at all and Mia gasps at his honesty.

He gives her a tight smile. "I wasn't joking, I had a lot of growing up to do but I was too young for a fucking kid. She went back to her husband, he never knew that his second child wasn't his. I had nothing to do with that child, no one besides my dad knew and he kept tabs on him. Making sure that he was brought up right."

"Martin is your son," I say with utter disgust.

He nods. "Yes, your grandfather wanted him to be a part of the family business when he was eighteen. I didn't agree, I didn't think he deserved to be part of this. I had you, you are my son. My only son," he spits, as if that makes everything okay.

"Dad, you're a fucking asshole. You don't think you should have told me this before? I mean you had the bastard being my chauffeur since I was fifteen. I let that fucker work his way to my second in command."

"Son, I know..."

"You know nothing!" I scream cutting him off, "You let me bring that bastard around Mia." My own fucking brother raped my woman. I'm going to rip his head off.

"Son..." he doesn't continue, he has no words. I don't want to hear any of them anyway.

"Where is he, Dad?" There's no more playing, now I know why he's doing this shit, it's time to fucking end it.

"I don't know. I haven't been able to locate him."

I lose it, a red haze darkens over me. Hands go around me and I beat them away, not even sure who it was but I'm advancing toward Dad. He knows what's about to happen and he doesn't move. He stands his ground, waiting for what's about to come. I pull my arm back, balling my hand into a fist and letting it fly. My knuckles connecting with his cheek, the sound of skin hitting skin satisfies my inner beast.

"Hudson, that's it man," Jagger says, his hands gripping my arms, pulling me back.

I shrug him off, that haze disappearing. I stand and stare at the man that has always managed to disappoint. He has no fucking morals whatsoever.

"You good now?" he asks with a smirk.
