Page 45 of Deadly Obsession

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She grappled for him, hands sliding through his hair and down to his shoulders, desperate to hold on as her orgasm swamped her, sending shock waves through her. She’d barely registered his absence before she felt his hands on her thighs, urging her legs around his waist as he sunk into her again.

“You’re gorgeous when you come,” he said, nipping her chin.

“I bet you say that to all the girls,” she replied, arching up against him when he ground his hips into hers.

He covered the top of her body with his, bracing his forearms on the bed on either side of her, and she groaned at the feel of his chest dragging against her nipples. He scored her shoulder with his teeth, marking her skin as his pelvis ground circles against her clit.

“I saved that one just for you, princess.”

He pushed up to look down at her, drawing his hips back and slamming in deep. She locked her legs tighter around his waist, pulling him in closer while his hands gripped her thighs. Sliding her hands up her stomach to cup her breasts, squeezing and tweaking the nipples gently, her eyes never left his.

He watched her play with herself, his hips moving faster the more she worked her fingers over her nipples. She could tell he was getting close when he reached down to finger her clit, rubbing it in quick, rough circles while he drove himself inside her.

She wanted to watch him come undone, wanted to see that moment on his face, but he wouldn’t relent in his pace. His fingers and his cock and those gorgeous blue eyes thrust her over the edge, and then he chased after her, her name an oath on his lips as he emptied himself inside her.

He braced his hands on the bed, breath coming in sharp pants, before rolling onto his back. She felt the rapid rise and fall of her chest under her fingers, delighting in the way her body tingled, somehow both numb and on fire simultaneously.

“I think I’m blind,” he groaned. “You blinded me.”

She laughed and rolled onto her side, and his eyes shot open when her breasts pressed against his arm. “How many fingers?" she asked, holding her hand up in front of his face.

He squinted. “Two.”

“See? Not blind.”

When she started to scoot off the bed, he gripped her wrist. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to clean up and get ready for bed.”

He released her and nodded. “Do you want me to sleep in the other room? I think the sofa is a pullout.” His expression was unreadable.

“Do you want to sleep in the other room?”

“Not particularly.” He watched her push away from the bed and cross to the door. “I’m not finished with you yet.”


Aidan woke to the smell of flowers and the feel of something soft and warm pressed against his bare chest. He snuggled closer, wanting to steal a few more minutes of sleep before facing the harsh, jagged light that glowed behind his lids. He was too comfortable to move and disturb whatever dream he was having.

When he felt the feather-light flutter of warm breath on his forearm, his eyes shot open, blinking against the sunlight that fell in bright slashes across the bed. He wasn’t in his bed, in his room. He was in a hotel. The day after his wedding. Completely wrapped around his wife.

She hadn't moved, still curled up in the same position she’d fallen asleep in when they’d finally spent themselves and collapsed on the king-sized bed. He’d started on the other side of it to give her space.

As much as he’d wanted to haul her up against him and drape her leg across his thigh, feel her warm wetness pressed against him, he figured post-sex snuggling sent the wrong message. But at some point in the night, he’d scooted all the way across the bed and wrapped around her like a vine. His arm slung over her waist, bare chest pressed up against her back, nose buried in the soft waves of her hair. He liked it entirely too much.

Carefully, he lifted his arm from around her middle and rolled gently back to his side of the bed so as not to wake her. He scrubbed his hands over his face. He’d never woken up with a woman before, had carefully avoided it his entire adult life. What was the protocol? Did the protocol change when the woman was your wife?

He looked down at his left hand and the brand new wedding band that sat there. He anticipated the same feeling of panic that usually sat heavy in his stomach whenever he thought about the wedding, but it didn’t come. He’d examine that oddity later.

When he slid to the edge of the bed, Viv stirred, rolling onto her back, the sheet slipping down to her waist, and his mouth watered. Before he could talk himself out of it, he crawled back into bed, stretching his body out against hers and watching her face as he slowly traced his finger around her nipple.

He felt her drift toward consciousness in the way her muscles went taut and her breath sharpened and her back bowed ever so slightly. Then her eyes fluttered open and focused on him, her mouth curving into a satisfied grin as he dragged the pad of his finger over her hardened nipple.

“Morning,” he said when she sighed.

“Morning,” she replied, raising her arms over her head and arching off the bed to stretch.

While she did, he slid his hand down over her stomach and between her thighs, tracing her pussy lips with his fingertips.
