Page 55 of Deadly Obsession

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She climbed out and stood in the driveway, watching his car pull around the circle and drive away until his taillights disappeared. She let herself in through the front door since it was the only door she had a key for and stopped short at Aidan standing at the base of the stairs.

“Hey,” she said when he only stared. “Did you…have a good day?”

When he remained silent, she crossed to the stairs and began climbing them. He was always so weird around her. The only time he acted like a human being capable of forming full sentences was when they were fighting or having sex. And even during sex, his sentences were short commands that turned her on far more than she wanted them to.

“Who was that guy?" He followed her up, keeping pace with her.

“Which guy?”

“The one you were kissing in the car.”

She stopped short and gripped the banister to keep from tumbling backward down the stairs. “Excuse me?”

He moved two steps up and turned to face her. “I was walking past the window and happened to look out and see you lip locking with some guy who’s supposed to be protecting you not…not…seducing you,” he finished with a flourish.

She couldn’t help it; he looked so goddamn serious. She laughed. Quietly at first, until it bubbled up out of control. She doubled over with it, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.

“You happened to look out and see me? Callahan, you cannot be serious. Do you know who was babysitting me today?" She wiped her eyes and moved around him to continue up to their room.

“It was supposed to be Liam.”

“Liam got called away for something. Nico begrudgingly sat with me at the bakery and drove me home.”

She slipped off her jacket and crossed to the closet to hang it, biting her cheek at the look on his face when she reemerged. She could see the internal struggle as he tried to douse the jealousy.

“I never thought I’d see the day you were jealous, Callahan. You can barely manage to string two words together unless we’re naked. I didn’t think you cared that much.”

“I don’t,” he snapped, and the words bit into her with a sharp sting of pain.

“Well,” she said softly, “my mistake.”

She moved to brush past him into the bathroom, but he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her body in close, his forehead resting against her temple, his breath warm on her shoulder. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again as if he couldn’t find the words.

“You make me crazy,” he finally murmured.

“The feeling is entirely mutual, I can assure you.”

“That’s not what I…let me show you.”

His fingers skimmed under the hem of her sweater, sending goosebumps along her skin. He traced down over her hip and around to her ass, squeezing even though he didn’t move to reposition her body flush against his.

When he shifted to graze his teeth over her jaw, she tilted her head for him, and the movement had her brushing against the already hard length of his cock. Knowing she could make him hard just by standing next to him unlocked something in her, something that made her want to take a chance.

“Callahan.” She turned toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck and lightly brushing her lips against his. “I want to know you.”

“You’ve seen every inch of me,” he replied, rubbing his lips lightly against hers again while he pushed her sweater up over her stomach, stopping just long enough to squeeze her breasts through her bra before tugging it off over her head and down her arms.

“That’s not what I mean,” she said, sighing when his fingers tightened on the clasp of her bra but didn’t release it.

“What, then?”

He was staring at her intently, but she was afraid if she made eye contact she’d lose her nerve, so instead she leaned in and pressed a kiss to the side of his throat, punctuating each word with her lips against his skin.

“I want to know more about my husband.”

His hands stilled against her hips, but he didn’t push her away. “Like what?”

She sucked on the skin at the base of his neck, letting her fingernails drag along his torso as she pushed his sweater up over his chest and leaned back to pull it off. God, he was perfect. Those shoulders that felt so good under her nails and the arms that effortlessly held her up against the shower wall and the chest that warmed her back before he would slip inside her in the morning.
