Page 55 of Craving Their Mate

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“Yes. Maybe that’s how the drugs are being distributed. It’s quite ingenious if it’s true.”

Oh, shit.“Do you think Harrison Industries is providing these drugs?” Only because she wanted to take down Richard Delancey did she want him to say yes.

“I don’t know. First, we need to confirm that cocaine is in there, but considering your recent actions, it implies that might be the case.”

“What if it is?” she asked.

“We turn it over to the police. Hopefully, they will be able to find out where the coffee shop is getting its supply.”

“Even if the manager admits to knowing about the drugs, he wouldn’t point a finger at anyone. He’d be killed instantly. Drug people aren’t going to leave any witnesses,” she said.

Rider nodded. “Regardless, our first order of business is to find out if this bag even contains cocaine. The police departments I’ve dealt with have all had a hand-held near-infrared spectrometer that can detect whether cocaine is present.”

“Maybe you should keep out a little bit in case the police don’t tell you anything.” Paris told them the police hadn’t even told the parents of the soccer player who overdosed anything about their son's death.

Grayson shrugged. “We could find an independent lab to test it. If it turns out to be cocaine, we could take the rest to the police. If they ask why some is missing, we’ll say we brewed a pot of it, which is true.”

Rider nodded. “See what you can find out.”

“I have a question,” she said. “How did the cashier at the counter know to give Grayson thegoodstuff? I mean, if an undercover policeman walked in, do you really think they’d sell it to him?”

Grayson smiled. “If he was a werewolf he might have been able to hear the secret code phrase. I only used it as a joke.”

“What are you talking about?” Rider asked. “You keeping stuff from us?”

Thankfully, he didn’t sound angry this time.

“The truth is, I was trying not to keep Paris waiting. She had a headache, and I wanted to buy the coffee as soon as possible and then go. While I was in line, the new cashier asked each person how their day was going.”

“And what was their response?” Rider asked.

“I’ve had a really hard day.”

“That’s it? And you think that’s how the cashier knew to give them the cocaine laced coffee?”

“Not at the time. I remember one of the men handed her a hundred-dollar bill, and she barely gave him any change. Sure, I thought it strange, but I didn’t question it.”

Rider whistled. “Maybe I should stop by tomorrow and try it. That would be very useful for the police to know.”

“Even if the police arrested every worker in the place, it won’t get us closer to finding the source,” she said.

Grayson looked over at her with what looked like pride. “Paris has a point. Maybe we should think this through first.”

“Do you have any ideas?” Rider asked Grayson.

“I’m thinking we should concentrate on the CadEspresso trucks that go to Harrison Industries.”

“They deliver coffee to us all the time,” Paris said.

“I’m sure they deliver untainted coffee to your company, but who’s to say they don’t pick up something in return?” Grayson suggested. “Like the cocaine?”

She smiled. “And if they do, will you follow them back to the store in Chesterfield and see if they unload anything?”

“It’s a possible plan, but I imagine they would want to process it someplace else.”

Paris looked over at Rider. “What are your thoughts?”

“We have limited resources. There are only four of us werewolves. The best use of our time will be to find out if there is an underground cocaine factory, like those exhaust pipes suggest. If there is, the workers will need to come and go, probably without notice.”
