Page 57 of Craving Their Mate

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She would have preferred to sit at the table, but for some reason, one of the chairs was missing. They must have needed an extra seat next door.

Paris inhaled. “It will sound strange and hokey, but I think I know what happened.”

“Tell me.”

“I thought I heard a noise in my room. Without me actually doing anything, the room flooded with light, and a man appeared at the end of my bed.”

Rider stiffened. “What did he do?”

“It was a dream, so he didn’t actually do anything, but it was Richard Delancey, which kind of freaked me out.”

“We are hunting him. That has to be a little stressful. I can understand why you’d dream about him. Did he say anything?”

She didn’t know why that would matter, but she wanted to tell him everything. “He just said hello and then stated my name.”

“He didn’t tell you to stop trying to find out about him or anything?”

She’d expected Rider to make fun of her, but he really seemed concerned. “No.”

“Did he then disappear?”

“Kind of. I woke up to a dark room.”

Rider leaned back on his elbows, looking way too enticing. “I’m sorry.”

“Thank you, but there’s something else. I think it was more guilt than fear that conjured him up.”

“Guilt over what?” he asked.


“I haven’t been totallyhonest with you—or Grayson,” Paris said.

“About what?”

“About why I really want to take down Harrison Industries.”

Rider’s brows pinched. “I thought you wanted to find out who was distributing the drugs in your town.”

“That’s part of it. Remember I told you how my father dumped my mother after he promised her the world.”


“Richard Delancey is my father.”

Rider sat up. “What are you talking about? I thought you’d never met your dad.”

“I hadn’t, but I knew his name. My mom confirmed that was him. I moved out here to find out what kind of person he was. The more I learned, the more I decided he was a piece of shit. I was hoping my mom had just been bitter about a failed relationship, but she wasn’t. She just had bad taste in men.” Thankfully, the new human in her mom's life was very nice.

Without warning, Rider pulled Paris close to his chest and hugged her. “It makes me want to kill the bastard now.”

That brought a smile to her lips. “Can you see why I don’t want anything to do with werewolves?”

He probably didn’t believe her since she had just made love with Grayson. At first, she'd thought she'd only had sex with Grayson because she’d been under the influence of drugs. After thinking about it during her nap, Paris decided she would do it all over again, if only to see if it was as amazing as she believed it had been. The next time, however, Paris would not be so aggressive, despite Grayson saying he liked it.

“Definitely. You don’t trust our kind. I get it. We say you are our mate. We tell you we will protect you with our life, and then we disappear.” He lifted her chin. “I promise you that not all werewolves are like that. In fact, your father is the first I’ve heard of.”

“I’d like to believe that.”
