Page 73 of Craving Their Mate

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“I wanted to show everyone Miller’s Ridge during the day. We can return tonight if need be,” Rider said.

Paris smiled. “I’m game. This should be fun.”

Everyone wouldn’t fit in the same car. “Grayson, you mind going with Connolly and Mick? The girls can ride with me.”

“Why do you get to be the lucky one?” Grayson asked, and the group laughed.

"Because the general put me in charge." Rider tapped his chest and smiled.

The trip to the ridge was short. Once there, they piled out of the cars.

“Tell me what we’re looking at,” Connolly said.

Between Paris, Rider, and Grayson, they explained about the hidden passageway, the location of the exhaust pipes, and approximately where the entry tunnels were located.

“I’d like to see how easy it is to fly the drone between the trees,” Connolly said.

“Sure, but the guards will be showing up soon, I suspect,” Rider said.

“How often do they patrol?”

Rider looked over at Grayson, who had more experience than he did.

“Approximately, every hour for maybe ten minutes. Liam and Alex have watched them more than I have. According to them, the guards walk behind the wall for a smoke and then leave. It doesn’t appear as if they expect to see anyone or anything.”

“Good to know.”

“We should mention that before we were aware there were guards, they spotted me,” Grayson said. “Fortunately, I was in my wolf form at the time. They got off a shot but missed.”

Rider smiled. “I forgot about that. I was a few hundred feet away. When Grayson telepathed that I should head to the car, I did so, and he went up the hill. Needless to say, the guards were confused.”

The men laughed.

“Shh,” Charley said. “I hear someone.”

Sure enough the guards were coming. For the next few minutes, the group remained quiet. While they waited for the guards to leave, Connolly set up the drone.

“Approximately where is this tunnel?” he asked.

Grayson pointed in the general direction. “I’ve flown one of these once. If you get close, I can help guide you the rest of the way.”

“That works.”

Once the guards finished their smoke break, they left.

“You said no one will be back for forty-five minutes or so?” Connolly asked.

“From what we’ve seen, yes,” Grayson said. “There could be cameras in the back, because Harrison Industries owns the land about thirty or forty meters behind that big wall.”

Connolly pointed to a large tree halfway down the hill. “I’d like to set up there and see if we can get a good angle.”

“I’ll go with you,” Grayson said.

“Me too,” Rider chimed in.

Mick smiled. “I guess that means I get to stay with the ladies.”

“Great.” Though Charley looked upset. “You have something to add?” Mick asked her.
