Page 43 of Stop Ghosting Me

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What in the actual fuck?

The humming of the refrigerator, the ticking of Sidney’s candy corn-shaped clock hanging on the wall, and the voices in the other room disappear until all I can hear is static. Loud, buzzing, ear-piercing noise screaming around in my head.

The entire six fucking years?

My chest feels like someone just took a sledgehammer to it.

Christ, I can’t breathe.

“Who’s there?”

“We will fucking kill you!”

Before I can fully wrap my head around the words I just heard and the fact that Sidney didn’t deny them, the loud clamoring of two women home alone who heard a noise come screaming around the corner into the kitchen, the bright, overhead light blinding me for a few seconds when it’s flipped on.

“Are you kidding me?” I mutter.

My out-of-control thoughts take a temporary backseat to the anger that takes over, when these two didn’t run in the other goddamn direction when they heard a strange noise after midnight. Instead, they came charging in here with Callie holding a pillow over her head and Sidney’s arm jutted out in front of her, clutching a Harry Potter wand in her hand.

“Oh, it’s just Ford.” Callie sighs when she sees me.

“What the hell were you two gonna do if I were a real intruder? Invite me to a pillow fight and cast a fake spell on me?” I mutter, planting my feet and crossing my arms in front of me, when all I want to do is cross over to the doorway and put my hands on Sidney.



“Ford has starred in all of your masturbation fantasies for the entire six years you’ve known him.”

A choked wheeze comes out of me that neither woman notices, since they’re too busy rolling their eyes at me.

“Oh, there’s a brick hidden in this pillow.” Callie laughs, knocking her knuckles against the brick inside the pillow case.

“And I would have shoved this into your jugular,” Sidney adds with a shrug, waving her wand around. “You act like this is our first rodeo.”

She’s so frustratingly adorable I want to kiss that dimple right off her cheek. Getting my first look at Sidney in twenty-four hours makes all my plans about sitting down and talking with her tonight fly right out the window. She’s freshly showered and wearing a tiny pair of cotton pajama shorts, a hoodie that saysOh my Gourdon it, and her wet hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun. She looks clean, and fresh, and after what I just heard, I want to rip those clothes off her body and dirty her up.

My dick throbs like a motherfucker.

My heart feels like it’s ricocheting around in my chest.

She’s wanted me for six years.

Sure, she hit on me the night we met, but she never seemed to care that I turned her down. She brushed it off like it never happened and took the lead in starting a friendship with me.

Every decision I’ve ever made since the day I met her suddenly seems completely wrong. Every minute we’ve spent together for the last six years flashes through my mind, wondering how different it all would look now if my life hadn’t been such a shit show when we met. I don’t know whether to flip over the table I just built new legs for or drop to my knees and weep.

I didn’t take offense to it when she ran away from me last night. But you’re damn right I’m taking offense to it now. Giving her time to adjust is laughable, when I feel like it might take me an entire lifetime to adjust to the knowledge that Sidney has wanted me this whole time.

“Get out.”

Sidney gasps when I bark at Callie and glares at me with her hands on her hips, but her friend just laughs before giving me a quick salute.

“You two kids have fun now.”

She drops the bricked-up pillow case right where she stands, and it lands in the middle of the doorway with a thud. She’s gone from the room in a flash, and the front door is slamming closed behind her before I can even blink. I make a mental note to ask Marcus what his wife’s favorite flower is, so I can order her ten dozen of them tomorrow.

“Nice of you to just break into my house.”
