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I wasn’t exactly sure how the human anatomy worked in that respect.

The bruises were settling in from her attack. Her eye was starting to get a purple and blue ring around it, and there was a matching mark up on the side of her forehead. They’d probably look even worse by morning, sparking her students to ask what had happened, if the word hadn’t already gotten around the campus about the attack by then.

I waited another couple of moments, wanting her to be deep asleep before I reached for her, then moved into the room, scooping her up, and bringing her back to her bed.

I was pulled away from staring down at her like a fucking creep by the buzzing of my phone in my back pocket.

I made my way out of the room, mostly closing the door as I went.

“Yeah?” I asked after seeing Ace’s name on the phone.

If he didn’t appreciate the way I answered, he made no mention of it. And, I guess, after dealing with guys like Lycus and Drex for decades upon decades, he was used to a lack of proper respect for his position.

“How are things going?”

“They’re… going. The professor was attacked tonight, so there hasn’t been much progress,” I told him, going ahead and leaving out the part about hooking up with her.

“Attacked? Could it be connected?” he asked, voice going sharp. “Could it have been the old gods?”

“No. It was an ordinary, shithead human,” I said, listening to the chuckle on the other end of the phone.

“Believe it or not, you will actually start to feel some affection toward humans, given some time. Not all of them. Not even most of them. There’s a lot of shitty ones. But a select few. Is the professor okay?”

“She got a concussion and migraine, but I imagine she will be well enough to resume meetings in a day or two.”

“Good. Time is of the essence. Have you seen the news?” he asked, voice tight.

“I saw something about three natural disasters.”

“We’re up to five now. Five in a week,” he said. “If your professor was right about the gods showing themselves to the world through nature, then I am pretty sure they have been doing so. And are likely just getting started.”

“Have you heard anything from Dale and the rest of the demonslayers?” I asked.

I never thought I would see the day when we would be working side-by-side with the enemies, the ones who wished they could slay our kind. But, I guess, when one of your own Claimed one of theirs, you had little choice but to learn to get along.

“They’re working their angles. The witches and warlocks, even the priests. But, let’s face it, I don’t think the priests are going to be much help but a source of comfort to the worshippers of their god.”

“True. Has Daemon made any progress with his contacts?” I asked.

“Possibly. We would know more if he would touch in on occasion.”

“He hasn’t checked in?” I asked, feeling myself stiffening.

Sure, Daemon was careless and reckless and gave the middle finger to rules and proper protocols, but he always came back to the house to shower and change every day or so.

I’d been gone for days and he still hadn’t shown up.

“Are you thinking that we should be worried about him?” Ace asked.

“I’m thinking this is unusual for him,” I said. “Has anyone called or messaged him?”

“I have a few times. Never demanding a response, just reminding him that we were waiting on him. Do you want me to send some of the guys out to look for him?”

“It wouldn’t hurt. If he is just being a shit, you can punish him for that. But if he’s in some sort of situation…” I said, wincing at the thought.

Sure, Daemon was a demon like the rest of us, but he was young. And being young meant he wasn’t as powerful nor as in control of himself as the rest of us. He could have gotten himself into any sort of trouble before he even realized it.

“I will send Aram out.”
