Page 34 of Fastball

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“Oh sweetie, I am so sorry, I didn’t even think about how you’re doing through all this.”

I nod, still not saying a word.

“I won’t ask you anything else about my boy, I’ll call William if I want an update but just promise me something, sweetheart.”

“Okay,” I mutter through a clogged throat.

“Take care of my boy, he loves you and I know you love him. Just keep loving him and he’ll come back.” She says her goodbyes and I find a bench and burst into tears. That was definitely not the way I wanted to meet Josh’s mom, but let’s be honest, it could have been worse.

Josh’s phone starts ringing again and I take a deep breath and answer.


“Is this Harper?” the baritone voice asks on the other end.

“Yes? Can I ask who this is?”

“Sorry, darlin’, that was so rude of me. My name is Dixon Davis and I’m Josh’s lawyer.” My eyes bug out of my head and my heart starts beating a thousand times per second. “You there, Harper?”

“Yes,” I stutter, shaking myself out of the shock. “Sorry Mr. Davis, I’m here.”

“Please call me Dixon.”

“Okay, Dixon, can I ask why you’re calling?” The nerves are getting the better of me as I sit back down on the bench and hang my head. God, I want this to be about what I think it’s about.

“I have good news, darlin’. We found out who was running that website and who sent all those photos and videos.”

I take a deep breath, waiting for the name of the person who was prepared to ruin both our lives.

“Does the name Trace James Miller sound familiar?”

“No,” I say as the wheels in my head start to turn.

“Maybe you know him better as TJ Miller.”

The shock is palpable, and I close my eyes, wondering how that’s even possible.

“Are you serious right now?” I ask, knowing the answer but still wondering why he would do something like this.

“Unfortunately, yes. I do need you to come into the office as soon as possible to sign off on some paperwork so we can get the litigation started. I’ve already removed the website and have officers notified about TJ’s involvement as well as a Miss Angela Gentry.”

“No fucking way…” I mutter, hearing Dixon’s laugh through the phone. “Sorry, I just can’t see how that’s possible.”

How the fuck did Angela and TJ pull this off when they just started dating?

“It appears that there was correspondence between the two as early as May of this year.” That’s right when Josh and I started dating. How the fuck is that possible?

“So what now?”

“Now I need either you or Josh to come in and since our boy is incapable right now, all I need is your signature to get all of this started.”

I tell him I’ll call him back and hang up the phone, sitting there in utter shock before I hear footsteps behind me.

“So you finally figured it out,” TJ mutters from behind me and I jump back, not expecting him to be here. “Honestly, I expected you guys to figure it out long before now. But I guess I was stealthier than I thought.” That smirk lights up his smug face and I wonder what Josh ever did to him to cause such hatred to bleed through every pore.

“Why?” I ask, retreating backward as his eyes bore into mine with every step he takes toward me. “Why would you do this to him, to us? You don’t even know him that well!” My back hits the wall with a thud as pure rage gathers in his gaze.

“I’ve known guys like Josh my whole life. Handed everything on a silver platter, his talent praised as if he was God’s gift to the sport when in reality, he’s just another washed-up has-been who is past his prime and deserves to be put in his place,” he mumbles, his face lowering so that were at eye level. “You want to know the best part of all of this? Seeing you riding him, fucking him, and screaming his name when I knew you would ruin him.”
