Page 44 of Fastball

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“Demoted? For how long?” Harper asks before I can do the same.

“At least a year. He can’t be brought back up until he pays the fine and also gets an evaluation from a professional who will then give a recommendation to the league as to whether he’s ready to come back up or should stay down.”

I nod, thinking that’s fair. Do I want him playing up here again? Not really but he’s young and my hope is that he gets the help he needs and comes back a better player and an even better human. He’s not a bad player, he had talent and that’s the sad part about all of this, if he had just come to me for advice instead of trying to steal my job, I would have happily helped him.

Now look where we are.

“Thanks, Coach. I appreciate the apology and the update.” I stand, holding out my hand for Harper to follow and she does until we hit the doorway where she stops and turns to look back at my coach.

“My dad loved this place. He loved this stadium and its fans, and I hope you care enough to watch over your players more than you have. They’re who everyone cares about. Happy players lead to better play. I hope you remember that.” And with that, she turns, and we head back outside, back to the life we should have had months ago.



Josh is slowly getting better. It’s been three weeks since the incident and he’s finally been given the green light to start working out again. I’ve never seen a man get so excited about going to the gym. He was like a kid on Christmas this morning, waking up before my alarm and shaking me awake with a goofy smile on his face.

Right now, I’m sitting in my office and watching as he runs on the treadmill that is directly in front of my office, so every once in a while, I’ll look up and see his smiling face. But there are times where he’s so in the zone that I’ll look up and just stare at his marvelous body. I’ve witnessed this man sitting on a couch and pigging out on all the food he never eats during training without gaining a pound. So, watching him run for half an hour is something I will never complain about, especially when he does it without a shirt on. Yum.

I’ve been in constant contact with his trainer to make sure he’s following his routine to the tee, and I’ve also assigned one of our trainers to help him since the man gets distracted very easily, especially when I wear anything that’s not yoga pants. And it’s because of our mutual distraction with each other that we don’t pay attention to the front door and the person that decides to walk into the gym.


Just seeing her face makes everything come crashing back to me, and for a split second, I think about punching her, choking her, or even just slamming her against a wall for everything she put us through. We did have a restraining order against her, but that ended last week, and it looks like she’s taking full advantage. The harassment charges didn’t pan out like they did for TJ so that was disappointing, but I know for a fact that if she makes this a regular thing, Josh will file a permanent restraining order on her ass so fast she won’t know what hit her.

“What the actual fuck are you doing here?” I mutter, getting out of my chair and standing between her and Josh. I know he sees her when I feel the heat against my back and his growl in my ear.

“I-I wanted to come here and say I’m sorry.”

I laugh because she can’t be serious. “You’re sorry? For what exactly? For violating our privacy, helping someone blackmail us, or stalking us? Which of those are you sorry for?”

Josh grunts as his fingers dig into my hip and he pulls me flush against his chest.

“I know what I did was wrong. I’m sorry for all of it and I know you guys never want to see me again, and that’s okay. I deserve that but I honestly just wanted to apologize.”

I don’t know what to say, because what do you say to someone you don’t want an apology from. I want absolutely nothing from this woman, and I repeat that to her.

“Angela, all I want from you is for you to leave us alone. That’s it. I don’t want your apology, I don’t want to know why or your reasoning behind any of it. It’s over, we won and that’s all that matters. I just want a life where I don’t have to see your face.”

Josh’s hand cradles my stomach as he pulls me even closer to him, his lips kissing my neck softly.

“Leave, Angela, before I call the cops,” Josh says, still kissing my neck as I watch her take a deep breath and turn, leaving us blissfully alone once again. “I hate her,” he mutters against my skin as my fingers lace with his that span the entirety of my stomach.

“I know, but she has no control over us anymore.”

His lips curve into a smile against my skin as I spin in his arms and curl my arms around his neck and brace my forehead against his.

“Go back to warming up, I’ll be back in a little bit to help you through your workout. I just need to finish something first.”

He smiles, kissing me softly before dropping his hands to my ass and squeezing.

“Don’t be long.” He winks before heading over to the elliptical and setting a punishing pace that causes my legs to tire just from watching him.

I walk into Henry’s office, leaning against his doorjamb, and watch as his eyes flick back and forth between the screen and the papers in front of him.

“Whatcha doing?” I ask, sitting down on the couch beside his desk.

“Going over this month’s numbers. I am seriously impressed with Mel’s classes, they’re extremely popular and a lot of our members love them for their kids.”
