Page 7 of Fastball

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“I’m glad you care about your teammates because right now all you seem to care about is whether or not I care if your fucking chick can be on field level before a game. Anderson, I need your head focused on what’s important… winning games, not impressing your girl with all the bells and whistles of your life.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I question, already having a feeling where this is going.

“It means that ever since you met this girl, your stats have been dismal, your defense has been questionable, and honestly, if you’re not careful, I’ll be forced to bench you and I know how much you hated being DH, so imagine being in that dugout and unable to play?”

“That sounds like a threat, Coach…”

“Good, because I meant it as one. Anderson, you’re a good player and I’m glad you’ve found someone that makes you happy. But don’t get mad at me when the distraction you willingly bring into your life causes other aspects of your life to suffer. That’s on you. Not me.”

I know he has a point, but hearing the truth stated so plainly as if it doesn’t feel like a knife slicing through my body is jarring.

“I hear you,” I mutter before Coach tells me to get my ass there ASAP and hangs up, leaving me alone and wondering if my relationship with Harper will ever be without interference.

After the meeting, Coach gives me eyes and I know that he wants me to follow him into his office. When I do, he gestures for me to shut the door.

“I’m sorry.”

I stand still, shocked because that was not what I expected to come out of his mouth.

“Sorry for what?” I ask, not really knowing what he did wrong.

“I had no right to talk about your relationship like that. I was a young player once and I fell in love with Wendy about the same age you’re falling for your girl. I’m just worried you’ll end up sacrificing more than you’re prepared to down the road.”

I shake my head because he clearly doesn’t know me very well.

“Coach, with all due respect, I’m not like all those other players, I have never been one to sleep around and flaunt it like King does, or even Lopez on a bender. I love Harper, I can see myself being with her for the long haul, so no matter what threats you lob at me and my game, that will never change.”

“And I respect that, more than you know. So, tell me why you want her at field level. I never pegged you for someone that needed to impress a lady like that.”

I can’t help the smirk that comes and when my eyes meet Coach’s I know he can see the humor in my eyes.

I spend the next few minutes explaining the situation enough that he understands. I don’t go into personal details, but I do want to prepare him in case something happens while she’s on the field.

“Well, for one thing, I give that girl credit for wanting to come here, but are you sure she’s ready?”

I shrug my shoulders because for the past week I’ve been thinking the same thing. I haven’t told Harper this but I’m wondering if she’s only doing this because she thinks it’s something that I need to feel validated, which is so far outside the realm of reality.

“That’s really not for me to say, is it?”

“Touché. Well for all it’s worth, I’ll be here if you need me. But from what you told me, I think you have everything covered. Nice touch having her bring a friend, it alleviates the pressure off of you.”

I shake my head. “I didn’t do that because I wanted someone else to take care of her. I wanted her friend there because she has experience in dealing with her panic attacks and even though I’ve read up on how to help, I’ve only witnessed one, and honestly I don’t think I can handle seeing her like that again.”

Coach dips his head, and a knowing look crosses his face. “You love her, don’t you?”

It’s not meant as a question, but I nod my head anyway.

“Then love her, but for our sake keep your head in the game.”

A laugh bubbles out of me before he gestures for me to leave, and I subtly shake my head.

“That’s it? That’s all you wanted to talk about?”

“I could talk about your game if you want…”

I hold up my hands as I back up toward the door.

“I thought so. See you on the field, Anderson.”
