Page 10 of Collecting Her Debt

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“Look,” he mutters, tangling his fingers into his hair as his eyes dart around my room. “What happened earlier…” I roll my eyes, knowing what's coming and wanting to get it over with.

“You regret it and want me to forget it ever happened.” Colton's eyes widen, his fingers crunching against the wood doorframe above his head as his eyes fall to the ground. “Look, Colton, I get that you're scared of what happened, and honestly, I am too. I mean, I've never felt anything like that before, and you can't stand there and tell me that it meant nothing.” My chest is heaving as the weight of his incoming rejection slowly crushes me.

“Sutton, of course it meant something, but it can't continue. It just can't. You're my son’s ex-girlfriend and almost half my age.” I take a deep breath, his eyes meeting mine as I stare daggers into him.

“If that's the way you feel,” I shrug, feigning disinterest as I turn my back, ready to take a shower and forget this night ever happened.

“Sutton, please. I’m in a very fucked-up position here. You know that.” I nod, peering over my shoulder as I make my way toward the bathroom.

“I get it, Colton. I honestly do,” I admit, truth seeping into every word because I do see where he's coming from. I do see how this can get ten times more complicated the longer it goes on, but for me, it's worth it. What I feel with him is worth it. “I’ll see you in the morning,” I say with a straight face, turning around and fighting every instinct I have to look back to see if he's watching me. But I shut the door before I give in to temptation, and as I lean my forehead against the dark wood of the door, I flinch as I hear Colton's door slam down the hall.

I take my time in the shower, relishing the way the scorching hot water falls over my skin. I know Colton wants me. I can see it in his eyes every time he looks my way, but he's scared, and I don't blame him. A small part of me wonders if I'm just scratching an itch or if I'm getting revenge on Zack for doing what he did to me all those months ago. But a bigger part of me understands just how much I need someone like Colton in my life.

Never in my life have I felt anything like what he did to me. Never in my life have I experienced being dominated the way Colton did just minutes ago, yet that uncertainty still lingers thanks to the rejection I just received. Can I handle being around him and everything going back to the way it should be? Do I even want to entertain the thought of never feeling his touch again?No. I can't think like that. I need to come up with a plan to break his resolve because I have a week in this house, and I will do everything in my power to feel dominated by that man again.

I wake up to a knock on my door, my eyes barely able to open as I stumble out of bed and unlock the door. The second I do, I see two women standing before me, one carrying a clothing rack and the other a very large white box tied in a red ribbon.

“Can I help you?” I ask, my voice cracking with sleep. They smile and glance at each other before looking back at me.

“Sutton?” I nod, still very confused. “Mr. Bishop asked us to bring these to you. Do you mind if we come in?” I shake my head, opening the door wider and motioning for them to enter. One leaves the rack of clothes by the window, and the other sets the white box down on the bed before walking back toward the door.

“Sorry, but what is all this?” I ask, confusion lacing every word.

“Mr. Bishop wanted you to have a variety of clothes to choose from, so he sent us your measurements, and we collected a few items for you. If you need anything in a different size, our card is in the box on the bed.” And with that, they escape, closing the door on their way out and leaving me even more confused than I was before.

He sent out to get me clothes?I mean, he did tell me he was going to do that, but I just figured he would go to Target and get me some jeans and T-shirts. As I make my way toward the bed, I see an envelope attached with Colton's almost illegible handwriting scribbled on the front. My heart races as I carefully peel it away from the box and open it.


I know things are complicated, and I have myself to blame for that. I crossed a line I never should have crossed, and for that, I'm eternally sorry. I know I told you that I would still give you the money you need, and I didn't lie about that. You need it, so it's yours, baby girl. But from today on, there cannot be anything else.

I'm sorry.

P.S. I got all these clothes days ago when Dianne sent me your measurements, and I thought it would be a shame to waste them. They’re yours to keep.

See you tonight,

Mr. Bishop

The fact that he signed it Mr. Bishop makes me want to punch a wall. That's him putting distance between us, which is the furthest thing I want. So I crumple up the note, throw it on the floor, and peer at the clothes hanging on the rack beside me. They're gorgeous and expensive. Way too overpriced for a girl like me, but I can't help grazing my fingers over the soft fabrics, wondering how much this cost him.

The white box catches my eye, and I can't stop myself as I untie the ribbon, letting it fall to the floor. I lift the lid and gasp. Lingerie. The box is filled with every kind of lingerie you could think of and more. My fingers trace over the lace details, carefully pulling out each piece one by one as an idea begins to form.

If he doesn't want to admit his feelings, that's fine. I’ll just make it the hardest week of his life.


The first half of your funds have been deposited into your account. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know.


I stare at my phone, reading the email over and over again before I open my bank account app. Sure enough, staring me right in the face is fifty-thousand dollars. More money than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and Colton just deposited it like he didn't just change my life with a click of a button.

I pull on the silk pajamas that Colton gifted me, making sure to show as much skin as possible before heading downstairs to the kitchen. My mood shifts when I realize that Colton isn't there, frowning as I make myself a coffee, wondering if I scared him away. Once the coffee is made, I take my mug and head back upstairs to my room. The second I shut the door behind me, I grab my phone, sit on my bed with my back against the headboard, and text Colton.

Me: You know you don't have to hide from me

It takes a few minutes, but eventually, he does reply.
