Page 19 of Collecting Her Debt

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“But what a way to go,” he whispers, those talented fingers of his rising beneath my skirt, tracing the lace covering my pussy and discovering just what his teasing has done to me so far. “Fuck, baby girl, you are soaked.” I nod, my head hitting the back of the booth as a single finger finds my opening and traces around the edge but never sinks in where I need him most. “Are you desperate for me yet?” he teases, his thumb grazing my clit before taking his hand out from beneath the table and bridging it to his lips.

“Shit,” I whimper, my body limp with desire as it courses through me, even without the toy between my legs reminding me that he could get me off in seconds if he wanted to.

“You taste impeccable, as always.” I want to tell him to fuck off, but before I can, the server comes over once more to take our dinner order. Colton chooses for me, knowing I'm not in the right mind to make my own decisions. When she finally leaves, Colton sits back in his seat, then takes my hand and rests it on his thigh underneath his own. “Tell me something.”

His question takes me off guard, and I sit there with my mouth gaping open as if he just asked me to recite the Greek alphabet by heart. “What do you want to know?” I ask, my voice shaking with nerves and the humming of pleasure that's coursing through my body. Every time I move and adjust myself on the seat, the vibrator hits my clit, and I close my eyes, reminding me of what's to come.

“Anything. What are you going to school for?” I don't know what I expected him to ask, but it wasn't that. He must see the confused look on my face because he smirks, his fingers playing with the rings on my fingers. “I know what Zack told me, but I want to hear it from you.” I tilt my head, wondering what Zack told him and if it was even correct.

“I’m trying to get my master’s in early childhood education. I got accepted a few months before I had to defer.” Colton shakes his head, rolling his eyes as he leans back against the booth. “I'm guessing that is not what your son told you.”

“He got part of it right. He knew you wanted to be a teacher, but he assumed you wanted to teach high school because you love a challenge.” I groan, wanting to smack that boy across the head, or better yet, go back and smack myself when I decided to go out with him thinking he would be different than all the other guys my age.

“Typical. I told him I would do anythingbuthigh school because I hate teenagers, and they scare me.”

“They scare you?” Colton's eyes are smiling as the server brings over the bruschetta and places it on the table.

“Terrify me. They have no fear. They don't care about authority. They talk back and have so much attitude that I know I wouldn't be able to teach them.” I take a bite, the tart flavors mixing in my mouth as a moan escapes, Colton's hand leaving mine as it rests on my knee.

“So you thought the smaller the child, the easier to teach?” I shake my head, taking a sip of wine and savoring the warmth as it cascades down my throat.

“Not necessarily. I love the idea of shaping a person's life. I love the idea of coming up with ideas, strategies, and new lessons in order to help kids understand something they've never learned before. Once they reach high school, seeing that spark in their eyes is rare. I want to make a difference, and for me, the younger, the better.” Colton's eyes soften as he takes me in, his fingers brushing against my thigh, not moving any higher but still causing jolts of pleasure through my body.

“You’re incredible, you know that?” he whispers, his hand disappearing into his pants pocket as my eyes widen. And just as I open my mouth to tell him to stop, the vibration starts, causing every breath in my lungs to disappear completely.

“Colton,” I say breathlessly, closing my eyes and praying I can stay quiet.

“Yes, baby girl?” He smirks, picking up a piece of bruschetta and taking a large bite, acting as if I'm not minutes away from coming right here at this table. Our eyes connect for a split second, and mine beg him to stop, but he just keeps on eating. His hand disappears once more, and I slap my hand over my mouth as a cry of pleasure escapes, the vibration getting more and more intense. “Something wrong, Sutton?” Colton teases, his hand disappearing under my dress, finding the hard nub and pushing it deeper.

“Fuck,” I squeak, my fingers wrapping around his wrist, my body rigid as my orgasm rushes to the surface. Coltons chuckles softly, leaning over and kissing up the side of my neck, nipping at my ear as his breath whispers over my skin.

“You want to know a secret, baby girl?” I nod my head, needing something, anything to get my mind off the fact that I’m about to come in a restaurant full of people, and I'm not entirely sure if I can keep quiet. “When I made this toy?” he growls against my skin, sending another level of arousal coursing through me as his fingers push it harder against my clit. “I pictured you using it. I wanted to hear your sounds while I controlled every second of your pleasure, and I craved hearing those sounds.” I whimper, his grunt of approval skyrocketing my orgasm until I know I'm about to fall off the edge.

“Daddy, please.” My voice is barely audible as Colton takes my mouth in his, capturing my cries of pleasure as my orgasm ignites. I might actually blackout because one second, I’m kissing Colton like my life depends on it, my body spasming against him, and the next, my head is resting on his hard shoulder, his fingers tracing my jaw as the vibrations dissipate.

“Fucking perfect.” Colton's voice filters through my haze, and I smile, wanting this warmth, acceptance, and pleasure to last forever. But I know it's futile. Reality will set in after this week is over, and I have to pray that I can handle the downfall because right now, I'm tethered to this man in a way I never expected, and that scares me more than our age difference, societal norms, or even if Zack will hate me when he finds out.

After tonight, I’m going to remind myself that this isn't a long-term thing. It can't be.



As soon as Colton pulls into the driveway and parks his car, I’m on him, undoing my seat belt and straddling his lap as I take his mouth in a kiss I've been dying for hours. After the earth-shattering orgasm, Colton spent the next hour and a half teasing me mercilessly, sinking his fingers into my pussy, taking me to the brink and back again over and over until I begged him to take me somewhere to fuck me. But he stayed beside me, groaning as I palmed his cock, teasing him in hopes of breaking that resolve I saw in the whites of his eyes, but he never broke. But now, sitting in his car, in his driveway, I can't take it anymore.

“Sutton, let me get you inside,” he mutters against my lips, the palms of his hands grabbing my ass and hauling me into his lap, his cock nestling right against my desperate pussy. “I need to fuck you properly, and I can't do that in this fucking car.” I shake my head, taking his hands in mine and dragging them up my thighs, pushing the hem of my dress with them to expose my bare pussy.

“This isn't about you right now. I need this,” I mutter, gasping as his fingers dig into my ass. His teeth sink into the flesh of my neck as his control crumbles. My fingers make quick work of his pants, releasing his cock and fisting it as a guttural moan leaves Colton's throat. “I want to fuck you, Daddy. I want to fuck you so hard you won't think of anyone but me for weeks.” I’m breathless, stroking his cock until a choked sound leaves his lips.

“All I ever think about is you, baby girl. You haunt me, this pussy haunts me, and I can't get enough of it,” he growls, wrapping his fist around mine, and he pushes his cock toward my entrance. “Fuck me, Sutton, show me how much you want this.” My eyes flutter closed as I do exactly as he asks, sinking down onto his impressive length, whimpering as he goes deeper and deeper. My hands wrap around his shoulders, grasping the headrest behind him for leverage as my hips take over.

“Not enough,” I whisper, needing more as the constraint of the car hinders my ability to fuck him the way I need. “Daddy, please,” I plead, my eyes meeting his darkening ones just before they fall, zeroing in on where we’re joined.

“Fuck, Sutton, look at you taking all of me into that sweet young pussy. You take me so good, baby girl.” My body shudders, his praise illuminating something inside me as I fuck him faster, needing the release. “I know what you need,” Colton says right before taking my lips. His hands grasp my tits through my dress and pinch my hard nipples, causing my back to arch and a cry of pleasure to leave my lips. “Sit up,” he growls, biting my bottom lip as I do what he asks, kneeling on my knees and lifting my ass off his thighs, whimpering when he pulls out just until the head of his cock rests at my opening.

“More,” I beg, wishing the confident girl who straddled him knew what to do at this point, but I don't need to worry because just as that word leaves my lips, Colton plants his feet on the floor and surges up, his cock impaling me, hard, as a cry leaves my throat. “Yes, yes, yes,” I chant as he fucks me hard, my body shaking as the orgasm races up my spine.

“I can feel you squeezing me, baby girl. I know you're close.” I nod, words impossible. “I need you to come all over this cock, Sutton. I need to feel those walls squeeze the life out of my cock before I paint your pussy with my cum.” I nod, slamming my hips back against his every thrust, knowing I’m a second away. “Do it. Fuckingcomefor me.Now.” Just as the last word leaves his lips, his thumb presses hard against my clit, and I shatter, the orgasm washing over me as I scream, my body no longer under my control.
