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“Thanks,” I mutter, ignoring his offered hand because I know the second I touch him, I might combust. If my avoidance bothers him, Colton doesn’t show it as he walks beside me up the stone staircase. Before long, the warmth and familiarity of the Bishops’ house wash over me, and I can’t quite mask my reaction.

“You okay?” Colton asks, his voice echoing through the large foyer. I give him a slight nod, but my smile doesn’t reach my eyes.

“Do you want to get changed?” Colton asks, his voice low, his gaze averted. For a split second, I almost walk right upstairs to Zack’s room but thankfully stop myself.

“Umm, what room am I staying in?” My voice cracks, my nerves on edge as Colton gives me a forgiving smile right before he takes my hand in his and leads me upstairs toward his room. Breathing becomes difficult the longer his fingers are wrapped around mine. Nothing about the way he’s touching me is sexual, but I can’t stop the way my heart races or my body shudders at the warmth his touch brings. I expect Colton to lead me toward the guest room by Zack’s room, the one I always pretended to stay in when I slept over, but he veers in the opposite direction toward his room. The closer we get to the one place I’ve fantasized about for over a year, the more nervous I become. But all those thoughts disappear when we stop in front of a set of doors I’ve never noticed before. “What room is this?” His smirk is enough to send wetness pooling between my thighs.

“The guest room.” I crinkle my brow, his eyes lighting up with mischief as his soft chuckle settles between us. “My personal guest room,” Colton adds, clearly seeing the confusion on my face. The way his eyes glance over every inch of me as I stand there, absorbing the fact that he chose this room to put me in, the one closest to his room, sends a quick thrill through my body.

“Why don’t you take a shower and get changed, then come find me in the living room once you’re done, and we can talk?” I nod as he opens the door, revealing one of the nicest rooms I have ever seen. The walls are painted dark blue, all the furniture is black, and white accent pieces are scattered around the room. It’s very Colton.

Before he leaves, I turn. “I don’t have anything to change into,” I admit, annoyance bubbling up once more at the fact that he made me leave my car behind. Colton smiles before taking a step toward me, causing all the air to leave my lungs.

When his hands cup the sides of my face, I hold my breath, wondering if every fantasy I’ve ever had about this man is about to come true. Instead, he kisses my forehead and sighs. “I’ll leave some clothes on the bed for you. They might be a bit big for you, but until I can get you some of your own, mine will have to do.” I don’t want to remind him that I could have just brought some with me when we left my car on the side of the road, but I don’t because the idea of wearing something that has touched Colton is enough to send heat coursing through my body.

“Okay,” I whisper, my eyes going toward the open door that I suspect leads to the bathroom. When he doesn’t say anything, I take that as my cue to walk away. “Thanks, Colton,” I whisper, turning to see him standing in the same spot, watching me. A slight smile graces his lips before he walks out of the room, leaving me blissfully alone.

My eyes drift around the room, taking in the sleek porcelain sculptures that adorn the bookshelves. After I finish washing the night off my skin, I make a mental note to see what books he has. Before I get too distracted, I walk into the expertly styled bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar. One of my biggest pet peeves is getting out of a steaming hot shower only to find the mirror fogged, so I always leave the door open, hoping it will help. I slowly turn, taking in the gigantic shower in front of me. The glass is frosted enough to obscure the body but not enough to see the silhouette. The walls are painted black, matching the counter and sink, and the mirror is silver, as are the rest of the accents around the space. I love everything about this room, and I wonder if Colton designed this himself or if someone did it for him. I shake the thought out of my head as I find the zipper on my dress, pulling it down my back and letting the dress pool at my feet. Since the dress is so tight, my bra is nowhere to be seen, but I carefully slide my panties down my legs, gasping as the cool air hits me.

I quickly make my way into the shower, turning on the hot water until it’s scalding, a trait I got from my mother. When the temperature is just right, I step underneath the spray, moaning as it hits my skin.

The memories of Colton’s messages these past few weeks flicker through my mind as I wash my hair, basking in the way the water feels cascading down every inch of my naked skin and moaning at the way my body reacts to every drop of water as it hits me. Heat pulses through me as I lean back against the cool tiled wall behind me, the contrast jarring as my hands skim down my body, sliding over my hips and my stomach before moving up to cup my breasts.

Colton’s face pops into my head, his eyes heating as they watch me touch myself, the fantasy taking on a life of its own as my fingers tease over my hardened nipples, sending shivers through me as I think of the way his dark eyes follow me everywhere I go, the way that scruff along his jaw would feel like between my thighs, and how strong his fingers would feel against my flesh. My hands slide down my body, the water making it slick as I imagine it’s Colton's fingers tracing a straight line to my pussy.

My legs spread, my fingers slipping between them as I gasp, finding my wet slit. The second my thumb grazes over my clit, I moan softly into the steam that's slowly filling the small space of the shower. I ease a finger into me and curl it inside, groaning louder, the sound echoing off the walls as my hips move, seeking more as my clit hits the heel of my palm.

With every pass of my fingers, I imagine Colton dominating me and demanding my orgasm from me. He teases me mercilessly until my body is drenched in sweat, my throat dry from screaming and pleading for him to let me come. The fantasy is enough to send my orgasm rushing to the surface, causing my pulse to roar in my ears.

The thought of what someone like Colton could do to someone like me causes a hitch in my breathing. My moans get louder as my fingers move faster, the orgasm right on the surface yet still a mile away. I groan in frustration, my hand grinding against my clit, knowing in the back of my mind that I need more. I've always needed more than my own hand to get off, yet I thought being in Colton's space would make it easier for some reason. But the faster my fingers sink deep into my pussy, the more I wish Colton were here, whispering in my ear that I’m his good girl.

“Colton…” I whimper, my eyes closing as the fantasy takes over. But just as I feel that familiar pull in my belly, my eyes snap open as a sound echoes outside the shower. When my eyes adjust, I see a shadowy figure standing in the doorway.


I know I should stop. I know I should take my fingers out of my dripping wet pussy and finish my shower, but when Colton stays rooted in place, I feel myself start to fall.

No one has ever seen me like this. Not even Zack. He didn't like the fact that I needed help to get off. He hated that it took me longer than normal to get ready for him. But right now, I don't care about him or the past. All I care about is the man standing in the doorway, watching as the ecstasy floods through my body. My fingers push over my clit, sending me higher and higher.

I have never made myself come in front of a man, yet here I am doing just that in front of my ex’s dad. Even though I can't see his face or the way his eyes would roam over every exposed part of my skin, it doesn't matter. I know those dark eyes are straining to see every move, to hear every gasp, every moan, and every whimper that leaves my lips, and I know I’m going to come for him. No matter how wrong it is.

The pleasure roars through me as I whimper Colton's name, smiling as his gasp fills the space. I cry out, my body falling forward as one hand slams against the tile and the other flicks over my clit with expert precision. The orgasm is on the brink of crashing over me as I close my eyes and picture the man on the other side of that frosted glass. And that's all it takes. I shatter, the scream echoing off the tiled walls as my fingers continue their ministrations, sending another smaller orgasm rushing through me.

Slowly, I pull my fingers from between my thighs, the shadowy figure gone when my eyes open and adjust to the white dots clouding my vision. A small part of me is disappointed Colton ran, but a thrill runs through me at the thought of him watching me come with his name on my lips.


Itake my time getting out of the shower, the cloud of arousal slowly dissipating and the crushing embarrassment washing over me as I step into the bedroom. My eyes zero in on the clothes neatly folded at the foot of the bed. What did I just do? Why did I think it was a good idea to make myself come in front of Colton when nothing can happen? He’s made that very clear over and over again.So why did he stay?Why did the sound of his name coming from my lips cause his groans to fill the room?

All those questions filter through my mind as a simple pair of gray sweatpants and sweatshirt unfurl, and I bring the fabric to my nose and inhale Colton's cologne. My eyes close as my ass hits the edge of the bed, my chest heaving at the thought of going out there and facing the only man to see me come by my own hand.

“Sutton?” Colton's voice carries through the wooden door, my eyes widening as I pull the sweatshirt to my chest, trying to cover my body. “You almost ready?” I expect him to open the door and see his face pop through, but it stays shut, and I clear my throat.

“Yeah, I’ll be down in a second.” I don't wait to hear a reply before I hurriedly pull on the sweatpants, curling the waistband over itself a few times in order for it to stay on, and then quickly pull the sweatshirt over my head. I'm swimming in fabric, my hands hidden beneath the sleeves, but for some reason, it's comforting being surrounded by his scent and knowing these are his.

Damn, I need to get over these feelings because I have a week of this to come. If I continue fantasizing about Colton and what he could do to a girl like me, I won't last a few hours, let alone seven days.

I shake all those thoughts from my brain, and I make my way downstairs, passing the sitting room that no one ever uses with a piano I don't think anyone in this house even knows how to play. The paintings on the wall are all incredibly expensive—at least that's what Zack told me the first time he brought me home—but for all I know, he could have been lying about that too.
