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Elena twists in her seat and gives me a knowing look as I surreptitiously wipe the back of my hand over my mouth to check for drool.

“There’s a party after the game this Friday. Think you’ll go?” Elena prompts, holding her hand out for my worksheet.

“No. I don’t even plan to go to the game.”

I bend over to get my homework out, keeping my attention on her. My hand grasps at air and I frown, leaning further. Maybe I kicked my bag in my sleep and scooted it beneath the seat.

A wrinkle appears on Elena’s forehead. “You won’t even go to support Alec and cheer him on?”

“He doesn’t need me to do that kind of stuff. He’s happy enough just to have fun playing.”

I grunt and sit upright before I topple out of my chair and make an ass of myself. When I peer down, my bag isn’t there.

“What the…” I check the other side of my desk. My heart skips a beat. “Um, this might sound weird, but have you seen my bag?”

“Huh?” Elena looks up from her phone. “You had it when you came to class, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, it’s a messenger bag. It’s not here.”

An unpleasant tingle skitters across my nerves as Elena asks a few of the people around us. None of them are as helpful or kind as her.

“Is it a big bag? You girls like those big ass bags,” one guy comments.

“You probably didn’t have it with you in the first place,” the girl to my left says without looking up.

Blood rushes in my ears as my heart pounds faster. My stomach imitates a carnival ride. I think I might be sick.

Their snide dismissal grates and I’m reminded that I’m still not welcome here.

“I wouldn’t just misplace my bag. It’s got my wallet, my homework, and my stuff.”

My camera and three lenses are in it, too, but I leave that out. Not knowing where my bag went sends my thoughts spiraling, and an itch digs its way under my skin—I need to get up and tear through the school to find it. I know it was there when I returned from the bathroom. The only other time I wasn’t paying attention was when I fell asleep.


I think someone stole it. Glancing around, my suspicion only grows when I catch a few people’s intent gazes. It’s like they’re waiting for me to blow up.

At the front of the room, Mrs. Ellis thumbs through the stack of worksheets.

“Gemma, do you have yours?” she asks.

“I, uh…” I feel the stares of Elena and the others. It'll only make me seem crazy if I start throwing around accusations about my missing bag. I lie instead. “I don’t have it with me.”

“It’s not like you not to hand in your work, Miss Turner.”

“I know. I’ll, um. I’ll have it tomorrow for a late mark. Sorry.”

She levels me with a disappointed frown that sits uneasily. I’m not the most studious person, but I’m not a slacker, either. I do my work.

“Very well.” Mrs. Ellis checks the time and takes a seat at her desk. “Your assignment for tonight is on the board.”

Once the bell rings, I’m out of my seat like a shot.

“I’m sure it’ll turn up,” Elena calls.

A sick weight makes my stomach heavy. I cram my hands beneath my arms to keep them from trembling with the nervous energy bubbling over.

My bag isn’t in my locker. I knew it wouldn’t be, but I had to do something. I head for the office to check the lost and found.

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