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Lucas points at the dog leaning into his face, snuffling and licking his chin. “Lancelot.”

That’s adorable. My stomach unknots from the anxiety-induced cramps.

“Lancelot. Well, sir knight,” I address the dog, giving him a scratch that makes him warble and wiggle his butt, “I suppose I can agree to a ride on your steed. Er, ship? What did knights call their boats?”

Lucas shrugs, chuckling. He watches me through his lashes, mouth pulled up in a lopsided curve. It’s an unfairly handsome look on him.

“I don’t really know. My Arthurian legend obsession only lasted long enough for me to name my dog.”

“It’s a good name.”

“Come on.”

Lucas climbs to his feet and offers me a hand up. Air catches in my throat when I look up at him, back-lit by the golden rays of sunset that catch his hair. I allow him to haul me up.

“Going out for a ride,” Lucas calls to the group as he leads me into the boathouse.

The boat is beautiful, a cream color with tan cushion seats and chrome detailing. The steering wheel at the front is wrapped in white leather, surrounded by gleaming controls.

Lancelot jumps aboard after Lucas like they’ve done this a thousand times. As Lucas starts the engine, I glance back at the dock.

“Coming, sweetheart?” Lucas has a hand out to me. “Let me show you my world.”

“Is this the part where girls think you’re smooth for quoting movies as you invite them aboard for a private make out sesh?”

“More like they’re impressed because I have a boat. Now step onto the magic carpet.”

“It’s a boat.”

“Then jump down the rabbit hole with me.”

Lucas snatches my hand and tugs, catching me in his arms when I trip into the boat. I feel the pleased rumble coming from his chest. After a tense beat where we stare at each other, he sets me down and unmoors the boat.

Not knowing what to do with myself, I sink onto the cushioned bench, tucking my bag in my lap and hugging it.

It hits me that I’m going off alone with Lucas. Can I really trust him? He didn’t hurt me when he stole me away for a joyride, but it wasn’t a pleasant experience.

Maybe I’m some kind of crazy.

Maybe I’m kidding myself with my insistence on staying away when I keep running headlong into Lucas and all the dangers he represents.

Maybe…I’m trying to recreate what happened to me with Matt out of some misguided, subconscious effort to control my past and change it. Like fighting back.

But that won’t change anything. My heart skips a beat when the engine purrs. If I want to get off the boat, now’s my chance. I dig my fingers into my messenger bag and take measured breaths.

I don’t get off the boat.

Lucas coils the rope, then sits at the wheel. Lancelot barks happily and hops on the captain’s chair, squeezing behind Lucas.

They’re both relaxed. It helps me loosen my claw-like hold on my bag and calm down from my brief mental spiral.

He navigates us onto the lake with little effort, looking completely at home. Once we clear the boathouse and coast out into deeper water several feet away from the shore and the dock, Lucas opens up the engine and we fly across the water.

An embarrassing squeak leaves me at the sudden speed and I grip the leather seat. The front of the boat cuts through the glassy surface of the water as Lucas takes us further away from his house. I watch his hair whip around.

The lake is huge, much bigger than I realized from looking at Google maps. There are dips into the bank as the whole lake curves around part of the mountain.

The worry that crashed over me slips away in starts and stops until the beauty of the lake soothes me into hypnotic wonder.
