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It’s warm out, the late afternoon sun peeking through billowing clouds to kiss the tall grass. I brush my hands over it as I pick my way through the field to get to the tree. It doesn’t look as big as it did when we were kids. I used to be so proud I could climb it. The bright green leaves rustle on the swaying branches as I press a palm to the bark.

The time Fox dared me I couldn’t climb our tree flashes in my mind. Quirking my mouth up, I picture how determined I was. I climbed higher than I ever had, almost to the top. Proving him wrong felt good, until he had to come up after me to get me down. We went branch by branch with his guidance. He kept checking if I was okay, squeezing my hand as he helped me reach the ground.

My phone vibrates in the pocket of my school blazer. I pull it out and sigh. It’s a text from Mom checking in on where I am now that school is out for the day. They know my volunteer and yoga class schedule. Outside of that, I have to let them know what I’m doing, even at eighteen.

Maisy: I’m on my way to Thea’s. I’ll come straight home after that.

I hold my breath as three dots appear, hoping she won’t decide to check my location by creeping on my phone. She doesn’t do that often, but I haven’t given her any reason to doubt me lately, keeping my free-spirited urges reeled in. When Dad does it, he’s being overprotective like usual, but with Mom… It always feels like a collar pulled tight around my neck.

The instinctive urge I sometimes have to just go rushes through me. I could just get in the car and drive. The road would decide where to take me and I’d follow the wind until my heart felt free of the heaviness.

Mom and Dad would be furious, but I’d be happy.

Mom: Be home in time for dinner.

Air gusts out of my lungs in relief. While I’m typing my reply, the heavy rumble of an engine catches my attention. I put my phone away as I turn and my heart drops into my stomach when I see a matte black Charger speeding down the street, screeching to a halt right behind the Audi. It stops inches from smashing into the back bumper.

Oh shit.

It’s Fox.

I’ve been wondering where he’s been. He hasn’t been around school since he messed with Sam’s car. Things like his attendance record and grades don’t seem to matter to him while he comes and goes as he pleases.

Fox gets out of the Charger and stalks toward me with his handsome features set in a deadly scowl. The hair on my body stands on end as he quickly eats up the distance with long, powerful strides. Before I can breathe, he’s in front of me, forcing me back against the tree. The bark digs into my shoulder blades.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?” he growls, making my pulse thunder.

The scent of rich leather, earthy wood, and the faint hint of motor oil surrounds me.

My gaze flies around the empty field, then returns to meet his cold glare. I open my mouth, only to gasp when his fingers lock around my throat. A tremor runs down my spine while heat spikes low in my stomach, making me squirm to rub my thighs together. He doesn’t miss it, a rough sound rumbling in his throat as he presses closer so the hard lines of his chest connect with mine. I struggle, testing the limits of his grip, but he’s too strong for me to break away.

That’s what I should want to do—get away. But…curiosity keeps me in place. This is the first time his hands have been on me since that night at Jenna’s party two weeks ago and my body remembers. Vividly.

The marks he left on my skin have faded. My stomach dips when I think of him doing it all again.

Fear and desire fight for control. It’s so wrong that Fox can touch me like this and stir excitement, but some part of me craves it even as he torments me.

There’s no one here to stop him. Even if there was, I don’t think it would change anything. No one holds authority over him. If he wanted, he could easily slide my school skirt up and do whatever he wanted. My clit shouldn’t throb at that thought, but it does, god, it does. It’s so messed up.

He doesn’t choke me, but his hold is firm, pinning me to the tree in case I was planning to run.

I might be scared of what he could do to me, but I’ll never run from him. The brooding jerk can have my fear, but he doesn’t get my surrender.

Somewhere deep inside, there’s a small part of him I recognize. I saw it last year, when I caught sight of him smiling at the holiday market in town. It was the same as the boyish smile that used to charm me to do anything when we were kids. I cling to that hope whenever I hear the rumors and whispers flying around about him.

“Fox, what are you trying to—”

“Why are you here?” he grits out furiously through clenched teeth.

Narrowing my eyes, I shove the fear aside. “I’m not allowed to exist now? Last I checked, you don’t own the street or this field. I’m not trespassing. If I want to visit our tree?” I lean into his hand and my heartbeat flutters when his grip flexes. He’s serious, but so am I. “I will.”

Fox’s dark blue gaze flashes at my defiance. He glances down the line of my body, lingering at the sight of his fingers wrapped around my throat. His mouth tugs into a smirk. “You never could resist trouble. You always loved the thrill.”

He digs his thumb into my pulse point, making it crystal clear he could snap my neck with little effort. I struggle to swallow, fighting to drag in a full breath while he controls my air. He can probably feel my racing pulse. Then his thumb eases off to trace up to my jaw. The gesture is at odds with the contempt in his gaze, but it makes my hands grab at his leather jacket, curling into the supple material. For a moment he seems to freeze, like he’s curious what I’ll do.

Fox leans in until our lips almost touch, then waits another bea

t, watching me through his hooded gaze.
