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The quantities are off from what I would expect. Most of the boxes carry the same label for a synthetic opioid rather than a variety. The company is supposed to be one of the top pharmaceutical manufacturers in the country, so why would they be making such large amounts of the same thing? And if this is the shipping department, shouldn’t there be more here than the sparse equipment and a handful of employees? It’s all weird.

“This hasn’t been an issue before,” the older guy says. “As far as I know, the company likes it this way.”

I glance between the skeleton shipping crew and the number of boxes full of synthetic drugs being piled into the truck. There’s no way there’s such a high demand for only one drug when they’re meant to be making all kinds of things.

Fox holds up his hands with a crooked smile that makes my knees go weak. “Don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just doing my job, same as you, man.”

“Right. Okay, come this way.”

He takes us through the procedure they follow at the warehouse and shows Fox his clipboard so we can match it to what Fox has in a list on his phone. A large portion of the shipment is heading for the same two places—an address on the west coast and one in the northeast. That doesn’t seem right. I wish I knew more about Mom’s company to know if there are medical companies in those locations that would order such a large amount of the same drug.

“So, as you can see,” the manager says, slapping his clipboard. “All in order.”

“Right,” Fox agrees. “Thanks for your cooperation.”

He nudges the small of my back and we head for the bay door. The manager stops us before we make it out.

“What department did you say this was for again? I’ll need to write it in the log. Protocol and all, you know how they are.”

Fox barely reacts, but I go rigid, thinking we’re caught. He calmly offers his ID badge for the guy to copy the information to his clipboard. Whatever is on it, the manager is appeased and sends us on our way.

“Thanks for your cooperation,” Fox says.

My thoughts race as I try to work out the puzzle in front of me. What is Nexus Lab really up to? Isn’t it illegal to flood the market with this much of one drug? There are regulations for what they’re allowed to produce, I’m sure of it.

If this massive supply is making it to the legitimate market at all, that is. I don’t like the thought as soon as it crosses my mind.

Fox grabs my elbow and leads me outside, his grip hard and unyielding. He doesn’t slow his long strides and half-drags, half-carries me out the door and around the corner behind a pile of shipping palettes.

“What the hell are you doing here?” he demands through clenched teeth, dropping the cool and collected act.

“I came to help. The address sent to my phone… I was already skipping the grad ceremony to find you, but I thought it meant you needed me.”

“Needed you?” Fox drags his fingers through his hair and jabs his finger back toward the building. “You almost blew my cover.”

I cross my arms and frown, eyeing him up and down. “Which looks flimsy at best.” I flick his badge. “This doesn’t look fake or anything, even if it passed for a legit one. How did you get this anyway?”

He grumbles something under his breath and pinches the bridge of his nose, ignoring my question. “How the fuck did you even get here?”

“The address sent to my phone, I told you.” I show him the text. “You haven’t given me your number, but when you sent it I knew it was you.”

“You thought—” He breaks off with a curse, pulling a face as he glares over my shoulder. “I’m going to kill Colt for bringing you here. I told him to stop surveillance tracking,” he mutters. I have no idea what or who he’s talking about. Turning his attention back to me, he shakes his head. “I didn’t send for you, Maisy. You can’t help.”

“Like hell I can’t. I want to.”

Standing my ground, I silently dare him to tell me what I can and can’t do. I’ve had enough of playing by the rules and doing what’s expected of me.

Fox blows out a breath, treating me to the same once over I gave him. Except his eyes drag much slower over my body, lingering at my chest for a beat before lifting to meet my gaze again. His head jerks with the force of his snort.

“Always so fucking stubborn.”

Somehow he makes it sound like it’s a trait that gets under his skin and makes him fond of me at the same time.

“You shouldn’t be here.” He rubs his mouth. “I can’t let you get involved in this.”

“You can’t do all this on your own,” I reason. “I know you said we can’t be friends, but I want to help. Two heads will be better than one.”

It sounds like he mutters that he already has an additional head, but he continues pinning me with his stare, working his jaw as he considers my offer. I have to sweeten it so he sees how much I need this as much as he does.
