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With a cute little grunt, she snuggles closer and smiles at me. I caress her back and enjoy the feeling of her head resting on my chest. It’s quiet and comfortable for a few minutes. This is nice, not having to worry about my problems or a plan or what happened two days ago, nothing but enjoying the beautiful girl in my arms.

“You feel okay?” she asks a while later.

“Yeah,” I say, touching one of the scabbed over cuts on my cheek. “They’ll heal in a few days. Not the worst I’ve dealt with.”

She lifts her head, propping her chin on my pec to peer at me with her sleepy hazel eyes. “What do you want to do after all this is over?”

I go to answer, then pause. Do I have a life plan? My life has only been focused on revenge for so long. I never thought past it.

“I don’t know,” I say slowly.

Her calf slides against my leg beneath the sheets. I like it, all the little ways she touches me. She hums and shifts, folding her arms over my chest to rest her head on, her bare tits pressing into my skin. I lick my lips and skate my fingertips down her sides.

“What about the stuff you make? You could do something like the work you do with reclaimed materials. People would buy the things you build. Or do you like working on cars better?”

Her lips pucker in thought and I’m too busy breathing through a wave of fondness mingled with the tug of arousal low in my stomach when her body moves while she talks.

“You could open a workshop that gives you the space to do both.” Her eyebrows waggle. “Y’know, because you’re so multitalented.”

As her voice dips with double meaning, she slides her soft body over mine, straddling me. Shit, I’m liking where this is going. My hands automatically find her hips and a pleased rumble vibrates in my throat.

“I…yes, I like that idea. Never thought about it much before.”

I can barely string together a sentence, too distracted by the way she looks with the sheets pooled around her waist, hair mussed from sleep, hunger burning in her gaze. Proud of her body and happy to have me admire it. Her lashes flutter and she puts her hands on the ocean and crow on my chest as she continues in a hushed voice, painting a dream of the future.

Her skin is soft. I move one hand from her waist, pushing my palm up from her stomach, through the valley between her tits, not stopping until my fingers wrap around her throat. The corners of her mouth lift in approval. Using my hold on her neck, I pull her down to s

teal a kiss.

Mine, I think with a flare of possession.

“It’ll be close enough to the beach to hear the seagulls,” she mumbles against my lips between kisses. “Venice Beach, I think. Just a couple blocks away. And nearby, I’ll have a beachfront yoga studio of my own. I’ve been thinking that’s what I want to do, after my road trip. Just picture it.”

I’m liking the idea more and more, but my thoughts haze over as she sits up and sinks onto my cock with this wicked half-lidded bliss on her face that has me ready to blow my load the minute I’m fully inside the wet heat of her pussy.

“Anything you want,” I rasp, fitting my hands back to her waist and groaning when she starts to ride my cock. “As long as I’m with you.”

All the things I thought I had to do seem less vital to living right now. This is all I need. When I’m with her, everything else fades away.

Victory gleams in her beautiful golden eyes and, god, I love her. I fucking love her.

It takes a few days, but I managed to get what I needed to fix the blown out glass on the Charger. After the repair is done, I climb the steps and find Maisy in a nest of sheets on the bed in a sports bra with the laptop, squinting at the screen. We hit a snag with the sealed employee file Ethan gave us that even Colt has had trouble decrypting, so she’s combing through the copied hard drive from her parents’ place searching for a way to get in.

I scrub a hand over my jaw as I watch her for a second, pushing away the thought of what happened the other day. Putting her life in danger is unacceptable. I’m still pissed those fuckers took a shot at her just to get at me. Even though she said we should keep going, I’m wondering if I should pull the plug on this.

Again I’m hit with the idea to put her on the back of the bike and just go. Leave Ridgeview in the dust while I take her wherever we want. Go find the life she talked about for us. I’ve spent so many years on this, but being with her makes me rethink what’s important.

I cross the room and cup the back of her head, kissing her hair. “Any luck?”

“Not yet.”

Maybe that’s a good thing, I think grimly, partially hating myself for being so disrespectful to the memory of my dead parents.

It takes her another minute to give me her attention. I rub her shoulders and neck until her lashes flutter and she makes an appreciative noise. She’s tense and I don’t know if I’m good with her running herself into the ground like this. My mind whispers with the idea again, we could just leave and find the ocean. I slide my lips together and sigh. I miss the damn salt air and I want to breathe it in with her by my side.

“Don’t forget to take a break. You’ve been at it for days.” She nods, tilting her face up to accept the quick kiss I drop on her mouth before I pull away. “I’m going to workout.”

I put on some music and lean my head side to side as I warm up, loosening my muscles until my limbs are ready. The first hit against the bag always feels the best. I let myself go, channeling all my rage at Nexus Lab and Stalenko Corp into my workout.
