Page 21 of Cursed Pack

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“She's alive?” My hand went to my throat, like my heart would beat itself right out.

“Mmm hmm,” Lyrica hummed in response. “That which does not wish to be found, won’t be.”

My whole body was shaking, and I looked at the sofa, sure that it would be shaking, too. My mother is alive? She’s alive! I took a few breaths to calm myself down. I wanted to jump up and pace, I wanted to yell at Lyrica to take me to her. I couldn’t sit still. Cassian took my hand, and I focused my attention on his scarred hand, his fingers easily wrapped around mine. The idea that she never sought me out quelled the excitement a little.

“Where is she?” I asked as calmly as I could.

Lyrica stirred her tea for so long, I started to think that perhaps she didn’t hear me, but then she put the teaspoon down and stared at me with those strange eyes. “She is around, but hidden. Asena will find you if she wants to.”

“How do you know that she’s alive?” Cassian interjected. “A direct answer please.”

Lyrica dropped her head in Cassian’s direction. She was so friendly but there was something eerie about the woman. “I spoke to her.” She tapped her head. “She told me that you would come to see me. There are a few things she wants you to know.”

“How… how did she know?” I asked. “What things?”

“She said it was nice to see you’ve grown into a beautiful, strong young woman and that you look so much like your father. She is surprised that your witch side is stronger. Asena also said that she hopes, after everything has died down again—after Samara has been defeated—that she can introduce herself, if you would be interested.”

I swallowed around my emotions. When had she seen me? I tried to run through all of the people I’d spoken to over the past few months, anyone who seemed familiar but I couldn’t think of anyone. “I’d like that,” I said quietly. Cassian squeezed my hand gently, reminding me that he was there. “Did she tell you anything about my relation to Samara or anything about my powers?”

Lyrica nodded slowly, she drank her tea silently. The steam fogged up the glasses that rested on the bridge of her nose. “Samara is your grandmother’s sister—your great-aunt I suppose. Both sisters were abused as children, but Samara was the gentlest of them all. Samara was a powerful, but fair ruler for a long time. People feared her, but they also loved her. When her daughter killed herself because the werewolf alpha found his mate and turned her away, she was overwhelmed with heartbreak. Once the High Council banished her, she started taking revenge and soon realized that killing another witch allowed her to consume their power, but at the cost of a piece of her soul. She killed her entire bloodline, save for you and Asena. Samara is now the strongest witch in history. You have her blood and your mothers in your veins. As for your father, he wasn’t a notable werewolf, but he loved your mother.” The witch went quiet, I could see the memories in her eyes.

“How is she only my great-aunt, or whatever. This all happened centuries ago,” I asked. It all confused me so much.

“Werewolves age slower than humans. Fae barely age at all, they can live for over 1,000 years. No one really knows about demons. And us witches can live for a few centuries. Samara is the oldest at the moment, older than the witch on the High Council,” Lyrica explained.

Centuries, I could live for centuries… but if werewolves aged differently, did that mean that Cassian and Griffin would die before me? I felt like I learned a lot, but at the same time all of this information raised more questions.

“So, how do we kill Samara?” Cassian asked, he looked just as shell shocked as I felt.

“Killing is a terrible thing. Samara is fire, fire is Samara. Emily knows how to kill her and Emily must do it, but be wary of the cost.” Lyrica said in a sing-song voice. “She will be coming soon, from the woods and the mountains, from the rivers and the sea, dogs snapping at her ankles, allies in all species. She once wanted to avenge her daughter, grief was too strong. Now she chases power and she will wash the world in red until she is on top. As for you, Cassian Knox, devastation will follow soon. Pain will make you choose your path.” Lyrica’s eyes had glazed over and she stared at nothing until her little speech ended. She rubbed her head, her dreadlocks bounced from the movement. “Thank you for the visit, sweet children, but I need to rest now.”

Lyrica herded us out of the front door and with a last friendly smile, she closed the door. I fought the urge to cry again. I’d come here to find out about my mother, and now I had more questions than answers. I got confirmation she was alive and a strange riddle. I wanted to know where she was, why she left me so many years ago, and why she never tried to meet me. I kicked a stone on the pavement and it skittered a few feet in front of me. Thunder rumbled in the distance as Cassian put an arm over my shoulders.

“I’m sorry it wasn’t what you were hoping for but we did get some good info.” He said gently. “Are you okay, Em? She’s alive at least.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, “Yeah, at least. I just wish she could have told us where she is or where Samara is, that would be far more helpful than a silly riddle.”

“Let’s get back and then we can try and figure out what it means.” His brows knitted together. His omen was just as bad, if not worse. I couldn’t imagine what was going through his mind.

“I’m sorry, Cass. I’m sure she’s just a senile lonely witch, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” I squeezed his shoulder before he started the car and drove us back to the apartment.

We drove in silence the whole way back, Cassian was deep in thought and chewed on his bottom lip. The last of the sun disappeared as we pulled up to the building, which was quiet and dark. My next lesson with Morgan was only in a day or two so I would be alone at the apartment tonight.

“Do you have to go back to the warehouse tonight?” I asked as I put my bag on the kitchen counter. It felt so empty without Griffin’s arrogance filling the place up. I didn’t want to be alone.

Cassian flipped on the light switches and hopped up onto the counter next to my bag, “No, I don’t think so. I’ll give Grace a call just to make sure.” He dialed the number and put the call on speaker.

“Sweetheart? Did you two meet Lyrica? How did it go?” Grace burst three questions out all at once. I giggled and Cassian rolled his eyes jokingly.

“Yes, we did. She was… interesting. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. Do you need me there tonight? Emily is alone at the apartment and I’d rather be here to make sure she is safe.” Cassian winked at me and this time I rolled my eyes. “I think the wolves might need some more time before she has her first sleepover at the warehouse.”

“Sure, I’ll hold the fort on this side. Just come through early tomorrow. Sam has a few things to show us.” Grace sounded distracted. “Honey, I have to go. Give Emily my love.” She hung up before either of us could say anything.

“Your mom is sweet,” I said with a smile.

“She is, she’s stubborn and protective too. I’ll cook us some dinner if you promise to keep me company,” Cassian joked as he dug through the fridge and the cupboards and from the ingredients I could tell that he was making his famous alfredo pasta. He used to make it for me before he left for NYU and I had a bad episode with Kelly. It was my favorite comfort food.
