Page 25 of Cursed Pack

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I wanted to snap that I didn’t need babysitters, but I kept quiet instead. Arguing wouldn’t help the situation. “What about the change though? Even if they keep watch, I’ll be on my own from midnight until sunrise and Samara would be aware of that. What about Morgan?”

“We can ask her. I haven’t heard from her for a few days though,” Cassian said.

Morgan had been very quiet since yesterday during our last lesson in Griffin’s apartment. We were supposed to have another lesson soon, but other than that, Morgan hadn’t reached out at all, not even to check on Griffin and where he went.

“I’ll send her a message when I get back to the apartment,” I said quietly.

Grace nodded and turned to Cassian again, “Have you heard from Griffin yet?”

“No, he only got there yesterday. He said he would update me if anything happened,” Cassian grumbled.

“You need to check in. What if he was caught?” Grace asked, her tone serious and somewhat exasperated.

Cassian opened his mouth to answer, but I cut in. “Griffin is fine. I checked in with him last night.”

I avoided the look Cassian threw in my direction. I knew he didn’t want me to get close to Griffin because he didn’t trust him, but Grace was right, if we didn’t check in, and Griffin was captured, we would never know. Grace gave me a small smile and nodded again.

“Please find out if he has an update on Samara or the pack's movements. If we find her, we need to move as soon as possible.”

I wondered why Grace didn’t take the alpha position. I didn’t doubt Cassian’s skills, but he sometimes let his emotions get the best of him. Maybe women weren’t allowed to be alphas? That would be an archaic tradition, women also made good leaders. Cassian mentioned mates being equal, did that mean they led a pack together? I’d have to ask him later.

Cassian stood, and Grace and I followed.

“I’ll check in with him,” Cassian said simply. “I’ll drop Emily off and be back here. Maybe I can track Samara’s scent from Lyrica’s.”

Grace nodded and squeezed my shoulder as we left. “I’ll see you soon, Emily.”

Cassian left to speak to Tiny and Gus while I waited for him by the car. They would keep watch from outside the apartment and go back to the warehouse for the change. I wasn’t sure if Morgan would be willing to babysit at midnight every night, but either way, we had to fill her in. I sent a message to her asking if she could meet me at the apartment later, but I didn't get a response. I sent another message to Griffin asking if he was okay and when he would be able to take a call. No response either.

Cassian’s expression was stony, and he didn’t speak at all for the entire drive back to the apartment. I didn’t want to get into another back and forth about Griffin or whatever else was making him grumpy. He dropped me off and reiterated that the guys would be stationed outside until a few minutes to midnight. If I needed him, I could call. He left without another word.

The apartment was eerily quiet. I shook it off and ordered Chinese food, enough for lunch and dinner. My stomach growled with happiness, I hadn’t eaten this morning and by the time we got back it was already past noon. An hour later I was wrapped up in a blanket on the sofa, shoveling sweet ‘n sour pork into my mouth. I watched a few sappy romance movies and tried to ignore the worry building in my chest. Griffin still hadn’t responded. Cassian hadn’t contacted me since dropping me off either.

My phone buzzed and I practically pounced on it. My heart sank a little when Morgan’s name popped up.

Morgan: Can’t come tonight. Busy. Will be there tomorrow.

So I was alone tonight too. I knew I should have let Cassian know but then he would be back here in his grumpy mood and I just didn’t have the energy for that. Girls night for one! I sighed, not feeling the excitement. I grabbed my sketchpad, put another movie on, and drew until my eyes watered.

It had to be past midnight and I still hadn’t heard from Griffin. Tiny and Gus would have left a while ago and they would be locked up in their cells for the night. I shoved the sketchpad off of my lap and curled into a ball on the sofa. I sent one last message to Griffin before falling asleep.

Me: Not me worrying over here… Let me know if we need to find a new hero.

The phone fell to the floor and darkness dragged me down, I hadn’t had any dreams in weeks, none that I could remember anyway. I didn’t miss the dreams that so often yanked me from sleep sweating and panting. This time though, I almost knew I would dream even before I fell asleep, I could feel it from the weight in my mind. But I couldn’t avoid it, I was just so exhausted.

The woods were so green, the sun that pushed through the leaves was warm and comforting. The leaves and grass made a soft bed and I laughed as I watched the birds jump from branch to branch. I was so happy, I didn’t know why, but everything felt right. I turned to my left and Cassian’s dark hair mixed with the grass, he smiled and his eyes shone. “Mmm, hi.” I whispered and his thumb traced the back of my hand, round and round in circles. It felt hypnotic, and I closed my eyes for a moment.

I turned to my right and Griffin stared at me, his head propped up on his hand. The familiar heat in his eyes as he brushed a strand of hair from my face. Bliss, this was what pure bliss felt like.

Cassian stood and walked away, he waved and took Morgan’s hand, who appeared from behind a tree. She looked different, her black hair was tied in a half ponytail, her black clothes replaced with a long white flowing dress, and she was actually smiling. Strange, I thought. I had no idea that he felt that way about her, but I was happy for them, they actually made a cute couple.

Griffin tilted my face back toward his and with a hand on my cheek, he lowered his lips to mine. Warmth and butterflies crashed through me. The kiss ended too quickly. It was wet where Griffin’s hand had been on my cheek, and the heat in his eyes was replaced with sadness and panic.

I sat up and touched my cheek. My fingers were coated in blood and a scream rose in my throat. Blood ran from his eyes and from his lips that had been against mine only seconds ago. Angry cuts formed on his arms and chest. All the happiness I felt seeped into the muddy floor, panic made my breath come too quickly. More blood ran from Griffin’s lips as he opened his mouth,“Help me, Emily!”
