Page 27 of Cursed Pack

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Kellan pulled a knife out, the long blade glinted in the light from the fire pit, he smiled as he climbed the stairs that led to me. “First question, did you tell anyone about your old pack?”

“No. I didn’t want to be associated with you. Who would I tell anyway?” I sneered. The crowd muttered, a few laughed. Kellan clicked his tongue and pressed the point of the knife against my forearm.

“I think you’re lying,” he said as he slowly pressed the knife into my skin and pulled it toward my wrist. I gritted my teeth against the sudden pain. Warmth trickled down my arm and dripped from the rope into my hands. “Where have you been hiding?”

“In plain sight. Your mutts are just too stupid to find anything.”

Kellan snorted and pushed the blade into my opposite forearm and proceeded to cut into it as well, identical to the other. He turned away and walked back to his table. He tapped his chin for a moment and chose a fire poker and shoved it into the fire.

“We’ve been wandering around New York for months, there’s no way you remained hidden without some help. Who helped you?” Kellan asked while turning the poker in the flames. The point was red like lava when he pulled it out and walked back to me.

“No one. I’m just that good,” I gritted out, trying to prepare my body for the pain.

Kellan grinned and pushed the searing poker into my shoulder. I tried to keep any pain from my face, but it was excruciating. I could feel every inch of the poker as it burned through my flesh. I fought the urge to throw up—this was just the beginning. For the next hour, Kellan asked more questions about how I left, who helped me, and how I managed to survive alone.

Through the pain I could feel the beginning of the change. Blood dripped from my brow, my cheek, and my lip as well as my arms, my shoulder, and my right leg. Thanks to my speedy healing, the wounds closed relatively quickly, but that just meant that Kellan could do these things over and over again. At some point, he pulled out a vial of moss green liquid.

“We've made a few new friends of our own.” He held up the liquid, and Victor nodded while the crowd gasped with anticipation. “You handle pain quite well, but that’s because it’s still manageable. Let’s change things up a bit.” Kellan coated a shortsword looking thing that curved close to the tip with the green liquid. From my position I could tell that whatever it was, it was pungent. “Next question, why did you save a witch from the library?”

I kept my jaw locked. “You know how much I love a damsel in distress.”

Kellan laughed and shook his head before plunging the sword in the same spot as he had with the poker. This time I couldn’t hold back my scream. It burned like acid, and pain throbbed through the wound and into my shoulder.

Distantly I heard clapping; the crowd was clapping at the new addition to Kellan’s arsenal. Blood seeped from my shoulder but something was wrong, the usual knitting feeling from the healing wasn’t there, the cut wasn’t getting better.

“Impressive isn’t it? It stops the healing process, not forever unfortunately, but long enough for you to bleed out,” Kellan said, examining the sword with appreciation. He coated it again and leaned in to me. “Your girlfriend put up quite a fight, such a pretty thing. Her name is Emily, right? I can’t wait to get my hands on her again. I love breaking the spirit of the feisty ones.”

I glared at him and pulled at the binds. My wrists burned, but they didn’t move. I would kill him if he touched her, and I was about to say so when he buried the blade into my thigh. My entire leg felt like it was on fire from the inside. I screamed again and again as Kellan continued to slice my skin and poke holes into me.

“Finish up, Kellan. I want him alive tomorrow. Everyone needs to lock up, half an hour to the change,” Victor announced and stood. The rest of the pack followed.

Kellan sighed in annoyance, “I’ll have more time with you tomorrow, but I have one last surprise before we say goodnight.” He sauntered over to the table again and lifted a small sledgehammer.

“Kellan, stop,” I said through my teeth. I wasn’t one for begging but the pain…

“Begging, brother? So soon.” He smirked and pulled the hammer back before slamming it into my knee and then my hand. Bones shattered under the skin and I squeezed my eyes shut as another scream was wrenched from my chest. All I could taste was my own blood, I could hear it pumping through my veins and darkness coated my vision. One last thought flashed through my mind before I passed out...

Help me, Emily!
