Page 29 of Cursed Pack

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He laughed, but he stopped a few feet away. The pack circled behind him, waiting for his direction. “You and my brother managed to escape once, it won’t happen again,” Kellan sneered. Griffin glared at him from behind me. He’d sat down on the ground. “Yes, I knew it was you who helped her escape. No one else knows about the camp. Your little charm has worked well. I couldn’t even pick up your scent.”

The necklace dangled in Kellan's hand and he took another step forward. “You’re a psychopath, you all are. We’re going to leave now and you aren’t going to follow, or send one of your pathetic followers after us.”

“And why is that?” Kellan asked, crossing his arms.

I shook all over and fear clouded my mind but I refused to let any of them see it. I could hear Griffin pull himself onto his feet and I could practically feel the pain radiating off of his body. “Let her go safely, and I’ll stay. You can finish what you started.” Griffin muttered from my side. I turned to him and glared.

“That’s a terrible bargain. You look like shit brother. I’d rather have both of you. This time I’ll tie her to the pole, and you can watch while I take my time with her.” Kellan looked me up and down as if I was something to eat. Griffin growled loudly.

“No.” I pulled my backpack tighter and grabbed Griffin by the arm. I started walking backward. “Goodbye, coward.”

Kellan growled this time, and he lurched forward. I flashed my palm toward him and a ball of fire landed at his feet forcing him to stop in his tracks. I smiled sweetly. “This time I have my powers, and I will not hesitate in turning this place into ash.”

My magic pulsed with excitement; chaos wanted to be released, but I fought the urge to burn Kellan to a crisp. I glanced at Griffin and he smiled appreciatively. I motioned with my head for him to move, and slowly we made our way into the woods. I kept my eyes on Kellan and waved as we left.

“What is this?” A voice boomed through the camp. Griffin flinched as Victor approached. “I told you that little witch would be a problem. Well, what are you waiting for? Bring them in!”

The leaves and branches crunched all around us as the pack lurched forward to get to us. Victor turned his back on us dismissively, and anger clenched around my heart. Images flashed in my mind—Kellan beating me in that little cabin, the nightmares, constantly looking over my shoulder, Griffin’s plea for help, and his broken and battered body.

I screamed and slammed my hand into the ground. Fire burst forward and formed a circle around me and Griffin. Everyone stopped in their tracks. I clenched my fist and sent a line of fire toward Kellan and Victor. They jumped back and sneered at me. I stood but stumbled as a wave of dizziness hit me.

Griffin grabbed my arm as the flames rose high around us and then started to quell. Something warm coated my lips; I touched my fingers to it and they came away covered in blood. Shit. I kept my face straight as I wiped it away and glared at Victor. “I will burn this shithole down, with every member of your pack.” I kept moving backward, Griffin and I supported each other.

Victor raised a hand and the rustling around us receded—they were leaving. I held in a sigh of relief and battled against the black fog pushing against my vision. “We’ll see you soon, Miss Caldwell. Next time you won’t be so lucky.” Victor turned to Griffin and spat on the floor before walking to the center cabin. Everyone else snarled and Kellan stared at the burn marks at his feet before grinning at me. He lifted his hand in a wave that mirrored mine from moments earlier.

“Let’s go before he changes his mind. You won’t be able to do that again without passing out,” Griffin whispered close to my ear, and I nodded. We left as quickly as we could. Griffin led the way and the longer we walked, the more I stumbled. “Here. There’s an underground ruin. We can catch our breath for a moment.”

He held his hand out to me and led me down the old crumbling stairs into complete darkness. I would’ve felt scared if my head wasn’t throbbing with pain. I breathed through my teeth while we descended further, completely trusting Griffin and his enhanced eyesight.

I held a flame up in my palm to see where we were going; my head hated the small surge of power. Griffin’s limp had started improving but he couldn’t put much weight on his knee. His face wasn’t purple anymore, and the hole in his shoulder looked a little less angry. The rest of the cuts were red but the healing potion seemed to be working. We finally stopped in the center of an old room. I wanted to look around but fell to my knees. Griffin knelt next to me, groaning against the pain.

“Are you okay?” he asked, pushing hair out of my face.

The flame in my palm went out as I nodded. “Mmm hmm, just a really bad headache.” I laughed lightly as I really looked at him. “You’re naked.”
