Page 33 of Cursed Pack

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“Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

“Thank y—” She hung up before I could say goodbye. I sent the address for the apartment and prepared myself for the questions. Maybe I’d be lucky and Griffin and Emily would sleep through the whole thing…

An hour later a soft knock sounded from the front door. I let out a breath and tried to calm my nerves. I yanked the door open and blinked a few times.

“Hello, stranger.” Her voice brought back so many memories.

“Hey, Ember. Thank you for coming.” I stood to the side to let her in.

Ember wasn’t a witch, exactly. She was a type of seer—not like Lyrica, but more like a mix between a human and a seer. She didn’t have any powers or affinities, but she could detect things from touch—including glimpses of the future, the past, and she was brilliant at locating people and items.

Our past was somewhat complicated, there was a period a while ago, just before my father died, where I spiraled. I ran away from the pack for a week or two and met Ember at a human bar. We got drunk every night and eventually hooked up. Her parents kicked her out when they found out about her gifts. The witches never really accepted her until they learned how powerful her abilities were. We spent a lot of time together, and when I returned to my pack, she would secretly help with whatever the pack needed. Until my father found out and forbade it.

After hooking up, we decided that being friends was a better option—and it was, until we were forced to end any communication. Ember reached out a few times, and after my father died I felt horrible for not reconnecting. She was my closest friend in New York and a genuinely good person. I just hoped we could be friends again and that Emily would like her. I cringed at how Ember would react to Griffin. She used to gravitate toward bad guys. Maybe that’s not a terrible thing…

“Nice place. I’m surprised you messaged me.” She leaned a black leather clad hip against the kitchen counter. Her red hair brushed her bare shoulders and I couldn’t help glancing at her barely covered chest. Ember loved dressing in as little clothes as possible and it seemed like that didn’t change. The black shirt showed her toned stomach, her shoulders and cleavage. I swallowed hard at the grin on her pierced lips.

I grabbed two beers from the fridge and slid one to her. “It’s not mine. I want to start off by saying sorry that I never contacted you. My father died, and I became alpha and everything was just a little crazy. It’s not an excuse, but I hope we can be friends again.”

“I know. I saw it all.” She tapped on her head. “We never stopped being friends. I knew you’d get a hold of me eventually. A lot has changed, I see.” Ember nodded toward Emily, still asleep on the couch and I smiled.

“Yeah, it’s complicated. She’s my mate, but fate decided to kick me in the ass and give her a second mate. That’s a story for later though. Bad things are happening and I need your help.” I tried to keep my voice calm.

She sipped her beer. “You mentioned. I’m guessing it has to do with the rumors of war blah, blah, blah.” She waved her hand dismissively.

“Yeah, they aren’t just rumors though. There’s a psycho, bloodthirsty, all-powerful witch at the helm and she’s trying to kill my mate to take her powers. I wanted to know if you could find her location?” I explained. Then I also told her how Lyrica was killed and about the message.

Ember’s brows knitted with concern. “I don’t know if I can track it with just the blood. I usually need a personal item or something that can be connected to the witch.”

“Emily is her blood relative, would her blood work?” I asked, looking over at Emily.

“Possibly. We can try.” She straightened and downed the last half of her beer. “I need two wooden bowls, a black candle, the blood, and a map. You can wake your girlfriend, I’ll need her energy.” Ember cleared the island and grabbed a glass of water. Before sitting down, she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’m glad you reached out, I missed you.”

She was warm and after a little hesitation, I held her close. It was nice to have her back again. “Cass?” I jumped at Emily’s drowsy voice. She looked between Ember and me and a glimmer of jealousy made me smile slightly.

“Em, you’re awake,” I said and took a step from Ember.

“Emily, that’s such a pretty name,” Ember drawled. She sometimes came across as a little bitchy. She pushed the ring in her lip with her tongue and held out a hand, her blood red nails were sharp.

Emily smiled hesitantly. “Thanks, who are you?”

“Tut, tut. Cassian hasn’t mentioned me?” She winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

“This is Ember. She’s an old friend and she’s here to help,” I explained before Emily got other ideas in her mind. “She’s a type of seer and I’m hoping she can track Samara.”

Emily nodded and took Ember in. The woman was intimidating. She was tall and lean, and had an ethereal feel to her, but she was human in the most simple sense. But behind all of the dark makeup, tattoos, and piercings, Ember was a really good friend.

“Okay, how do we do that?” Emily asked and walked over to me, she slid her arm around my waist and I smiled. I’d never really seen her jealous before but it made me giddy. I put my arm around her shoulders and she smiled up at me. “What do we need?”

Ember raised an eyebrow at the territorial reaction, but repeated the list of things that she needed. “I’ll need some of your blood too. Cassian says you and the witch are related. It will strengthen the chances of it working.”

“Okay. I know where most of the things are. I’ll wake Griffin for the rest. Cass, there’s bowls at the top of the cabinet by the stove. ” Emily looked a little pale as she made her way to the bedroom. The door closed and a few minutes later she reemerged with Griffin right behind her.

“Well, hello gorgeous.” Ember preened when Griffin came into view. Emily stiffened again. “You must be mate number two.”

“Hi. Isn’t this a surprise? Waking up to a stranger in my kitchen. And you mean mate number one.” Griffin winked and put his arm around Emily’s shoulders. A growl emanated from me but Griffin ignored it.

Ember looked Griffin up and down, biting her lip. “Aren’t you a lucky girl?”
