Page 46 of Cursed Pack

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“Keep your fists up by your nose. If you drop them, you’re giving your opponent an opening to knock you out.” Emily did as I told her and bounced back and forth. “You have an advantage because you’re smaller, but you don’t have the same strength as a fully grown man, so you need to be agile. The moment they strike, duck and kick them in the shins or the soft spot if you can, and when they drop, bring your knee up to their chin or nose.”

I pointed out the basics and Emily took it in. I took the position of attacker and showed Emily step by step. She learned quickly, and after two or three tries, she had it figured out. She had a lot more strength than I expected, and she’d hit me hard a few times. She would have made an impressive werewolf.

“When do we get to the hard stuff?” Emily panted through the words.

I laughed and shook my head. “Don’t get cocky, Em. You need to know the basics before you can learn more. If you rush it, you’ll end up getting hurt, and your attacker will walk away laughing.”

She rolled her eyes and dropped her arms. Sweat glistened on her brow, and she breathed heavily. Her endurance was impressive too. We’d been training for close to two hours. I knew she was giving it her all to keep her mind off of Griffin and Ember.

It was late afternoon and the last of the sunshine painted the warehouse in rich sunset colors. Grace and I had planned a big dinner tonight and I was looking forward to sitting around a huge fire and talking. It would be a chance for the pack to get to know Ember, Emily, and Griffin. Despite the tension, I hoped that they would get past it and get along.

“Okay, what’s next?” Emily asked, trying to catch her breath.

I raised an eyebrow. “Let’s take a break. It sounds like your lungs are about to collapse.”

“No, I’m fine.”

I took her hand and pulled her to the bench on the edge of the training area. She sat down heavily, and gulped the water that one of the guys left for us. Her cheeks were red and her hair was in a mess on the top of her head. Emily watched the sun set, and the colors made her blue eyes pop. She wanted to stand but I still held her hand and she couldn’t move.

“I’m fine, Cass. I need to learn. What if Samara attacks tomorrow?” She huffed and glared at my hand.

“It’s going to take longer than that to learn how to fight. You can’t squeeze it all into one day. We can keep going in the morning,” I said. Emily opened her mouth to protest. “Besides, we need to shower and freshen up for tonight. I have no interest in socializing while smelling like this.” Silence. “They’ll be back soon, Em. And she will be okay.”

Emily’s shoulders sagged and some of the stubbornness vanished. “You probably think it’s ridiculous to care about someone after such a short time.” I wasn’t sure if she meant Griffin or Ember, but I hoped it was the latter.

“I don’t think that. Real connections aren’t about time. I’m relieved you and Ember are getting along so well. I know you were annoyed that I didn’t tell you about her, and honestly, I don’t know why I didn’t.” I watched the fading light and smiled when Emily moved a little closer. “You’re both such strong women.”

Emily smiled too. “Yeah, it feels like I’ve known her for years. I was a bit jealous at first, but we spoke about it and I understand her a little better. I haven’t really had the best of luck when it comes to friends.”

“Hey!” I put my hand to my heart in mock insult.

She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I know,” I chuckled, “You never have to feel jealous with me, Em. No one has or ever will make me feel the way I feel about you. You’ve got me, always.”

Emily blushed deeply and gave me a shy smile. We sat in comfortable silence for a while, her hand still clasped in mine. She leaned her head against my shoulder, and I kissed her forehead. The last rays of sunshine disappeared and the evening sky replaced it. I stood up, and Emily looked at me questioningly.

“I need a shower. So do you.”

“Are you trying to say that I stink?” Emily asked incredulously.

I nodded and she gasped. “Come one, I’m sure they’ll be here by the time we’re done.”

Just then the sound of Griffin’s motorcycle echoed across the warehouse. Emily jumped up and jogged to the parking area. They came to a stop in front of her moments later, and Emily helped Ember off of the seat. She hugged Griffin hard and I buried the small twinge I felt in my heart. Still not the time for that. She then turned to Ember and, without a word, Emily wrapped her arms around Ember. I could see Ember taking deep breaths, her eyes squeezed shut. Even Griffin stayed quiet, his expression grim. It must have been really bad.

“Are you okay? That’s a silly question. I think a really hot shower is the first priority, and then we can talk about it,” Emily said as she released Ember from her embrace. Ember nodded and they started walking inside the warehouse.

“Is she okay?” I asked Griffin.

He shrugged, and started after them. “I have no idea. She hasn’t said a word. We stopped at Central Park for a while and she cried. She tried to cover it up but I could hear her. It was rough. I didn’t see where it happened but the smell was enough to make the strongest stomach turn.”

“Thanks for going with her.”

“No problem. What did you two get up to while we were examining dead bodies?” Griffin asked, his tone was void of emotion, but there was a hint of curiosity.

I pointed at the training area. “Emily wanted to beat me up, so I let her.”
