Page 9 of Cursed Pack

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I thought for a moment. “Yes, control is first, and the second is balance. If you use too much, it will take a toll on you, you might have headaches or feel exhausted. Witches work closely with nature and nature is all about balance. The final rule is that dark magic, necromancy and stuff like that, is out of bounds. It’s really powerful, but it’s against nature. I’ve never met anyone who uses dark magic.”

Emily nodded. “If I have an affinity, can I do other spells that aren’t necessarily fire related?”

“You can, spells like wards and healing are part of general witch magic. The affinity just means that you have more power and control over that element.” I blew the candle out in front of us. “Light it again but with your mind. Focus on the candle and see the flame.”

Emily stared at the candle and the reaction was a lot quicker this time, the candle lit up almost immediately. Along with every other candle in the bar. She looked up and gasped, “Oh, shit!”

“Impressive.” The flames stretched with her excitement. “See, they feed off your emotions. Now put them out.”

I watched as the candles in the bar made a popping sound, but instead of them just going out, the flames were replaced by water. Little water droplets in the shape of flames danced in the candles. Emily giggled. I knew she had a second affinity, I could feel it, but I didn’t think she knew about it.

“You’ve been busy, I see.” I forced a smile at the candles. “Control will be harder for you, witches with more than one affinity have more power, therefore more chances at losing control.”

Jealousy pricked my chest again, I’d never met a witch with more than one affinity. It was rare and generally unheard of since the High Council put a limit on power and how it was used. Witches with too many affinities were dangerous because they were powerful. Before the war, witches had affinities for each of the elements, along with powers to cast different spells. Samara must have been really powerful if she caused the power bans. People must have feared her. I wondered what it would be like to command that much attention, to be respected and obeyed, to have the world at your fingertips.

Emily rubbed her forehead and the water flames disappeared. “I see what you mean by cost. The headaches are terrible…”

“Why don’t we stop here for today. I’ll grab one of my mixes for you to ease the pain. Tomorrow we can try a few small spells.” I stood and I grabbed a vial from behind the bar and handed it to Emily. She gulped the liquid in one sip. How easy it would be to poison you. Naive not to check the contents first.

“Thank you. And thanks for helping me. I know we’ve had a rocky start, but I appreciate this.” Emily smiled warmly and I nodded in response. She left before I could say anything.

I waited a few minutes and grabbed the candle on the table. How was it fair that she got two affinities? She had no idea how to use it, and on top of that, she was mated to the man I loved. Anger welled and I slammed the candle into the wall where Emily’s head had been. The wax burst and stuck to the wall and the table. Samara’s voice drifted through my mind from this morning. We will end her… You’ll have everything you ever wanted, just wait. It was a small consolation, but it was enough to get me through. I wanted to see Emily suffer, I wanted her heart to break like mine did.

* * *


My hands were still shaking by the time I got back to the apartment. Using my magic was such a rush, it felt like it coursed through my veins in every part of me. But the headache was a killer, the herb mix helped a bit by dulling the pain. It was so exhilarating I forgot to message Cassian who had taken it upon himself to be my personal bodyguard and escort me to wherever I needed to go. Griffin, on the other hand, spent most of his time at the apartment, his nose stuck behind his laptop. He’d very graciously moved himself to the daybed in the front room and let me use the bedroom. It was strange living so close to him, but he barely spoke to me beyond the occasional greeting.

“Back so soon, Princess? And no boyfriend to follow? He’s going to be pissed,” Griffin commented without looking up from his laptop.

Shit. I yanked my phone out and quickly typed a message to Cassian.

Me: I’m at the apartment. Sorry, I forgot to message. I’m safe x.

It barely took a second before my phone beeped.

Cassian: Em, it’s dangerous! We don’t know what the Langston pack is planning. I doubt they would be as gentle as before and see how that turned out. Going over some things with Grace. I’ll see you soon. Glad you’re safe xx.

I sighed. I hated making him worry, but I hated being coddled even more. I’d lost out on independence with Kelly, I didn’t want to go through that again with Cassian. I knew it was different, but annoyance bubbled under the surface.

“What’s the babysitter have to say?” Griffin asked.

“None of your business. That’s the most you’ve said to me in days. I’m surprised you know how to speak beyond ‘hello’ or whatever other grunting you do,” I sneered as I tossed my handbag onto the kitchen counter.

He ignored my comment. “How did the magic session go?”

“It was fine. Morgan’s a good teacher.”

“Do you want to show me?” He asked, a smile in his tone.

I scoffed. “I could, but I wouldn’t want to make you cry. Playing with fire will only get you burned.”

Griffin’s gray eyes rose to look at me over the laptop. They glinted at the challenge. “But I love it when things get hot. Makes it exciting.” He winked.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. “I ordered pizza. Be a gem and get it when the delivery guy comes. I need a shower.”

“Mind if I join? I’ll wash your back if you wash mine!” He shouted as I shut the door. The image his words created made me feel hot in a whole other way.
