Page 17 of Wolf Embraced

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"Long story," I said. Luna picked up the werewolf that had attacked Lucian, her claws ripping into his body as she flew further up and then dropped him.

“We can’t keep this up,” I growled again when I counted perhaps thirty infected souls coming our way.

I sent Luna towards the oncoming assault. She bombarded the infected souls with chaos, like Rumir’s flames would, killing the last remaining infected souls in this area.

The Goddess returned to my side. “The barrier around the city needs to be lowered,” she said. “We can’t teleport everyone like this. Not and fight the virus, too.”

Lucian, Will, and Brian joined us, and we all hurried towards the city, Luna defending us from above as the virus tried to follow.

“Everyone has to be teleported at once,” Will chimed in. “The entire city and forest have to be evacuated,"

“To where?” I asked. “There are billions of souls in the city and forest. What’ll we do if this happens in the other cities as well?”

We all skidded to a halt when we spotted Zeus ahead of us, fighting two infected gods. It was an all-out brawl, with Zeus's lightning bolts electrifying the air. But beyond him, with a clear view of the city, we saw what we were really facing.

All that we'd just done was nothing compared to the utter mayhem going on in there. There weren't only infected souls running around, attacking, but also gods, which was infinitely more problematic.

For a second, no one moved. A second felt like an eternity.

What the hell were we going to do?

* * *


“Will’s right, you have to do it, Goddess," Elinor suddenly exclaimed, and to my surprise, she grabbed the Goddess's arm. "You and the other gods sent the white tower out of the city. You need to do the same for the souls. We can’t win this fight.”

I agreed with Elinor. Cedric’s army was growing by the second.

"Another realm," I said, and Elinor released the Goddess's arm. "We have to send everyone to another realm. Every soul infected by the virus is another soul for us to kill and another puppet for Cedric."

"And their deaths are pointless if the virus just leaves their body to find another," Brian added. "These people are dying for nothing."

“Cedric?” Zeus exclaimed as he joined us. “The Dragon King? What does he have to do with this?”

“He’s Ash,” the Goddess said. “And he’s taken Rumir.”

Zeus, Natalie, Brian, and Will shared the same expression of confusion and shock. My jaws clenched at the mention of Rumir, and my chaos reacted to my anger. Cedric, that bastard… I'd never wanted someone dead as much as I wanted to see him take his last breath.

Lucian and Zeus spun around, releasing their power, and more infected souls were slaughtered. Someone sent a gold spear flying our way, and the Goddess pushed past Elinor and me to grab it mid-air. Then she spun on her heels, turning a complete 360 degrees, and the spear she’d impressively caught, turned white, charged with her divinity.

She spent it flying back the way it had come, and a goddess with long red hair and eyes the color of rubies made the mistake of catching it.

The white color on the spear began crawling up her arm, crystalizing her flesh, and she started breaking apart like a ceramic doll.

"Are there inhabited realms we can send the souls to?" I asked Zeus, and he shook his head.

"There are, but what you're talking about is dangerous, Natalie. Even as gods, we can't just do what we want. There are consequences," he replied.

The Goddess turned to him. "Fuck the consequences, Zeus! Look around! What else can we do? We can’t let Cedric win this war! If that ever happens, nobody will be left to worry about the consequences!" She stepped forward, and her eyes flashed in the darkness under her hood. "His army is growing, and we're being forced to kill, even though doing that is now pointless. Don't you see that? We need to handle this! Now!”

I'd never heard the Goddess speak like that before, and for a few moments, no one said anything. Zeus certainly didn't object. We didn't have the luxury of debating strategy right now. Cedric was turning up the heat, and everyone was feeling it.

"I'll go with them," a familiar voice said, as Hekate materialized in a cloud of black smoke in front of us. “I’ll take the souls to another realm.”

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” the Goddess practically growled at Hekate, the goddess of witchcraft.

“I’m here to help,” Hekate replied, and Ila, her familiar, who was like my Luna, slithered down her body.
