Page 28 of Wolf Embraced

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I exhaled when he moved to stand in front of me. I tilted my head back to stare into his eyes, which had turned red.

"I'm not a goddess," I said.

He puckered his lips. “I'd say you are, but you will be more by my side. You'll be a real goddess—one deserving of the title.” He wagged his finger at me. “Rumir’s mother was the only one I admired from that bunch, for a time at least. She was brave and headstrong, a real fighter, a Goddess who wouldn’t sit on a throne and do nothing other than suck souls dry of their prayers."

He let out a deep sigh. “But now she's fighting the same foolish fight you are." He looked away. “But you and I are the same, Natalie. Persistent and relentless,” he whispered.

The fog around us turned into mirrors. Endless rows of mirrors, that reflected our distorted images a hundred times over.

"We're the only two souls capable of bonding with a Primordial’s power. This is a revolution, Natalie, the start of a new time. Why can't you see that? You and I were given our gifts to create something incredible, something better than the gods created.”

“The last time I checked Cedric, I was given my powers, but you stole yours," I said. His jaws clenched. Good. I was getting to him. "Tell me where you are, and we'll have this conversation in person. How about that?”

He exhaled with exasperation and looked disappointed, but who cared?

"I'll either get through to you, or you'll die with the rest," he growled. "It's that simple. And you're running out of time.”

“I don’t intend to die anytime soon, Cedric, but you will. When you’re lying in this bloody bed you've made, remember that I tried to stop you. But you're so twisted, you think you're sprouting knowledge.” I shook my head.

“You said it yourself, I'm a very persistent woman. Do you really think you can hide from me? Your weakness is your smug surety that this war is already won.” I smiled, but hoped it looked more like a snarl. “You've hurt the people I love, Cedric, and in my eyes, there's no coming back from that. You shouldn’t have taken my mate.”

He looked me up and down, the side of his mouth curved in a smirk.

Cedric, narcissist that he was, was finally letting his guard down. I was standing up to him, and it was bringing out his superiority complex. Now all I needed was for him to let something slip.

He glared down at me as if I was an insect that had learned to speak. He was standing a little taller than before, triggered by my words to prove his worth.

That was his Achilles heel—believing he was better than everyone else.

I was an Enchanted before I was a chaos user. I was born with the ability to see into people's minds and understand those around me. My chaos was the cherry on top, an added boost to the unique gift I already had. I didn’t need to physically attack Cedric when I could do so with my mind.

No doubt he had walls up, but breaking down mental barriers was what I was born to do.

So I called on my wolf—my chaos too—and plunged into his mind.

It was like two powerful forces colliding, and the mirrors around us shattered. The shards of glass exploded around us and froze in the air with a large piece of glass pointed at my left eye.

It was like swimming through a sea of molasses, but still, I pushed.

I saw a rocky mountain and a dark starless sky before I felt his hand around my throat, and I was thrown. I slammed into an invisible wall and crumbled to the ground, wheezing. Although Cedric wasn't physically holding my throat, it felt like he was.

“Like I said, I wanted to see if this was wise on your part or foolish," he growled as the fog returned to engulf him. "Be patient, Natalie. You'll see Rumir soon enough. Sooner, if you stop being stubborn. If you continue on this path, I'll take your power and put it to good use. The powers you wield never belonged with you to begin with.”

Cedric flicked his wrist, and my neck snapped.

I sat up with a start, wheezing as I grabbed my throat. I'd heard my neck break. I'd felt it right down my spine. Through my blurry vision, I saw two figures in the room, not just one, and when my vision cleared, I could see Brian standing near me…and then Lucian, who was glaring at me.

"What have you done?" Lucian growled.

* * *


Two hours had already passed since we were teleported out of the God Realm. Upon arriving, many voiced their worry about other creatures in this realm, but Hekate reassured us there was only one type of hive-minded creature, which was harmless.

I was in awe at how beautiful this realm was. There were trees held off the ground by their roots, which allowed some souls to sit under their trunks. Several types of flowers glowed, and I could hear water in the distance, and that was life enough. This stunning realm was untouched, but if Cedric had his way, it wouldn’t be that way for long.

There was a planet visible in the sky, so close I was tempted to reach out and touch it, and there were floating mountains all around. The air was filled with an aroma of something sweet, like berries, and the sky was a blend of blue and purple.
