Page 34 of Wolf Embraced

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Iteleported to Urgron City, going to the first White Tower that had been destroyed during the war with Tedara. The portal that would take me to the Demon Realm was there, across the sea of sand, torches, and pillars—ruins of a life lived so long ago.

I appeared before the door, my jaws clenched so tight, my gums ached.

The last time I’d gone to the Demon Realm was to save my sister. Standing before the door now, it felt as if no time had passed. I began my mental preparation for what I was about to do, but my heart was racing. I was going back to a place that had left me scarred—physically, emotionally, and mentally—a place that broken me, and had created an insatiable rage that still burned inside me.

Nevertheless, I had to do this—to save the Mortal Realm.

I'd given so much already to stop the destruction of Earth. All of that effort, all the lives lost, and the sacrifices made would be for nothing if the realm fell now to Cedric.

I also needed to deal with the last shred of rage preventing me from truly letting my sister go.

My sister Megumi was the sun mortals worshiped, the sky they prayed to for clear, beautiful days, the voice of reason, and the Goddess of Light. She was the perfect goddess. And though I’d avenged the wrong done to her, and eradicated the vampire stain from existence, I still felt a pressure on my heart whenever I thought of her.

I had never been the forgiving type—not like she was—and maybe that was the problem. I couldn't forgive the Demon King for what he’d done to her…and I couldn’t forgive myself for failing her.

Forgiving those who had done wrong didn’t mean agreeing with them. My sister had always told me that. Forgiving meant moving on and finding your own peace. But even after so many centuries without Megumi, moving on felt like I was losing her for good.

Taking this step, asking for help from the ones who’d killed her, was the only way to face letting her go for good.

There was a war inside my head. I recalled how devastated I’d been at not saving her, but now, stepping through this portal would mean I could save the Mortal Realm once more—a realm she’d loved dearly. I had to do it.

The world serpent that had been tasked with guarding the portal rose up behind the door. The snake’s penetrating glare beamed down on me. It slithered around the door and laid its massive head on the ground before me.

I rubbed its scaly head, and its forked tongue licked at the air.

“I’ll be careful,” I whispered. “I’ll be in and out.”

She hissed, and the door opened to reveal a white light beyond it that swirled and changed to black. Taking a breath, I could already smell the putrid air from the underworld, but I also knew there were places in the Demon Realm that were incredibly beautiful.

I placed a hand into the portal, just my fingers, and closed my eyes, feeding in my intended location. Otherwise, I'd be sent miles away from where I wanted to go in the realm. There were several doorways in the realm, but they were guarded.

My visit was unannounced, so I wouldn't be welcomed with open arms.

When I stepped through, my body was absorbed by the black light. I came out on the other side and found myself facing three demons.

“You don’t belong here,” the three demons said, each saying one word until they all said here simultaneously.

Their tails were like whips, arched over their black armored bodies, aimed at me. They each had black wings, four upward curved horns, and red-hot lava visible between the creases of their armor.

They were as tall as me but twice my size, and although their faces, eyes included, were hidden behind smooth, black masks, I knew their gazes were focused on me. I could feel their eyes, and my skin prickled when my powers flared to life.

In response, the creatures chittered threateningly, and lava burst forward from a volcano behind them. The sky was pitch-black, the air smelt of burning flesh, and I could hear the screams of the tortured. Lightning struck overhead, and the howls and snarls of the underworld inhabitants boomed all around us.

This was a world of death and decay, a realm of evil, but the power in the air was as strong as it was in the God Realm.

“Get out of my way,” I said. “My visit doesn’t concern you.”

"We do not care," the demon on my right said, his voice more high-pitched than the others.

“Gods are not allowed here,” the one on my left added.

"Without an invitation," the middle demon growled, pointing one of three clawed fingers at me. “Turn back!”

"You're wasting my time, and I’ll go through you if I have to." I held my hands out on either side of me, and from the black rocky ground, several daggers formed, aimed at the creature. "I'll only say this once more. Let me pass."

Their masks started to tear open where their mouths should be, ripping like skin, and lava poured out like saliva. I readied myself for a fight when a familiar voice filled the space around us. The demons froze.
