Page 46 of Wolf Embraced

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“No,” the Goddess objected. “We’re right on time.”

"The virus has also been detected in the human realm," Nathos added. "We're being attacked on all sides, Goddess, and we don't have the forces to spare to send to Earth."

“We just took care of that,” she reassured him. "Earth will be protected. But I need you to go to the City of Souls. Find Zeus and tell him Hekate needs to return with anyone willing to fight. Tell him, Elinor, Will, and whoever they choose should be sent to Earth. We'll handle things here," the Goddess said. “Go.”

Nathos teleported, and the Goddess looked up when another boom echoed from above. I could smell them now—the hordes of infected—even while underground. I could feel them as well, thousands of them.

“Send the world serpent up,” I suggested, as the Goddess and I crossed the sea of sand, the giant snake following behind us. “We need all the help we can get.” I looked back at the snake. “She’ll surely be a big help.”

“And the door will be left unguarded,” she replied. “With the God Realm in this state, I don’t want that horned bastard to think it’s an opening for him to visit. She’d be an asset above, yes, but she has a job to do here.” She paused, then stopped and looked at me.

“You know, I told you to stay and keep searching for Rumir,” she grumbled. "You did well back there, but now the war's begun, and we still have no idea where my son is."

“I’m sure someone up top will know,” I told her. "I'll search through every mind if I have to. But I had to save you. I couldn’t let Rumir lose his mother." I touched her arm. "No one wants to lose you. You're the Werewolf Goddess, the Moon Goddess, and you’re very much respected and loved. You lost so much, yet you gave even more. Your sister would be proud.”

I squinted. "Besides, when this is all over, I’m going to have a family with Rumir and Lucian," I said. "Eventually, of course. Aren't you curious about what a child of theirs would be like?”

She laughed. “Playing on my need to be a grandmother, huh? Yes, of course, I've wondered." She heaved a sigh. “But I was content to do whatever I have to do so that my potential grandkids even have a future. Still, thank you, Natalie, for not listening to me. Even though you disobeyed your Goddess, I'll let it slide this once.”

I grinned, then several explosions went off above.

“Let’s go,” the Goddess said as we rushed to the door. "You have minds to search, and I'm looking forward to chatting with my ex."

I joined her, leaving the serpent behind. I'd made use of the element of surprise against the Demon King in a one-time deal. But still, I had that victory under my belt, and even without the chaos I’d been hoping to save for Cedric, I now realized that my only limit was my imagination.

Rumir? I’m coming.
